Okotan Adventures: Spider Saga

Jevis wiped his brow (don’t ask how he’s able to do that with a mask on, or even if okotans sweat) as the city came into view. He wasn’t sure where he would go from here, but getting out of the spider infested jungle was a good enough start for now.

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“I’m compelled to take offense at that.”

Morrus’ eyes suddenly widened, and he looked back at the region of jungle for a moment. “That was bizarre.”

A low rumble could be heard from Gladius’ armor.

“To arms.” He mumbled back at the group, swiftly drawing his sword and realizing too late that he put Hitora’s golden shield on his right arm - his sword arm.

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“What was?” He asked, turning to look at what Morrus had seen.

“Nothing visible, I…” Morrus stared into the watery depths below the trio. “For a second there, I felt that in the region of jungle, something utterly horrible was about to happen. Like the sensation of a spider crawling up your back.”


“That’s called paranoia bud, better get used to it cause bad things are the only things that happen these days.”

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His rotted figure burdened his pace, though luckily for him, it wasn’t enough to lose track of the group. The ominous silence of the jungle didn’t bother him. To him, it was just as full of life as before. It wasn’t until he saw Gladius draw his sword that he figured something was off.

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Ilza suddenly stands stock still, straining to see if she can hear whatever he caught, figuring it would be important, maybe Jaspar.

Ilza immediately brightened up at the familiar sound, and eagerly followed along with Hoari to the source of the sound.


“So how did you and Jasper meet?” Hoari spun around to face Ilza and continued walking backwards, miraculously he managed to not bump into anyone.

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“Hmm, is there anyone you guys hate? And I mean a real hate, like waking up early in the morning angry because of this person. Hate that fules your actions and gives you purpose and direction?” Asked Forty Four, looking up at Morrus and Risa.


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“Do you need a nap or something?” Morrus raised an eyebrow at the wolfen. “You have a very bumptious style of conversation, I’m noticing. Probably better suited for… The weather. Or hobbies.”

“Or wolf politics or something.”

“Well it was just a thought,” He huffed, crossing his arms, “Fine, let’s talk about the weather then. It’s been a while since I’ve been outside.”

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“Uh…” Morrus stared off across the watery waves. He wasn’t expecting him to take the suggestion so literally, but he had to take him up on the offer, lest he fall back into discussing vile hatred and the like.

“…There’s some, uh… Clouds.”


“Astute Observation,” he sighed,“hmm, it’s kinda chilly isn’t it?”

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They are slowly but surely making their way through the jungle of course the quietness of the jungle made time feel like it was standing still. This was something that bothered Reige because it felt like ages since the annoying okotan female who was following him had started to do so. After another short period of silent Virky began to speak up again. To Reiges dismay he rolls his eye as the okotan begins to talk.

“So Reige… Got any friends were you come from?” She asks walking past the spirit like entity backwards.

Scoffs*… “I don’t need friends my time in this world is short no, I have no need to form attachments” Reige responds rudely.

Virky chuckles, “No wonder, with that attitude you don’t attract alot of people” but hey I’m here now I could like help you with that…" She says cheerfully, she doesn’t look out where she s going and walks into a tree.

Reige continues unfased and Virky had to catch up to the perculiar being. “I don’t need friends, mortal and that’s final… Don’t mess with forces you don’t understand!” He lets out annoyed.

Tarkur continues preparing for the fight.

Azure still walks with the group.

Era motions Chook to follow her as she begins her search a new

Skipper continues being in prison, he stares at the other prisoner from his cell with resentment.

“Now there’s a story.” Ilza muttered, shaking her head in slight disbelief at how quickly her routine life had been turned upside down, “Believe it or not, we only actually met a few days ago. He came knocking at my door asking about the Shadow Realm, of all things. Then we… skull spiders attacked my village…” She trailed off, suddenly looking pensive, “I hope everyone’s doing okay…”


“Well, what about hobbies then? You like digging holes or something?”


Morrus continued to look out across the sea for an undiscernable length of time. It might be seen as thoughtful, or perhaps reflective of the current scenario or opportunities missed, but the ugly and unavoidable truth was he couldn’t think of a single thing that counted as a legitimate hobby.

“I’m the world record holder for the longest power nap. I don’t know what the number is, but I’m fairly certain I have everyone else beat.”

“I can respect that,” shrugged Forty-four, sticking his feet out of the cage.

OOC well would you look at that, an OA post from TheMOCingbird. See you all next year folks when it happens again/s Actually though, sorry for taking so long to post, I’ve been meaning to for the past couple months, but a combination of forgetfulness and laziness have gotten in the way. Idk about others, but I’ll try to be more prompt with replies going forward.

I don’t have time for this. Kryuna thought, letting out an annoyed sigh before decking the nearest of the two guards in the face, hoping to knock them out. She turned to the final of the Tism Krad guards left. “Listen, you’re going to walk back to your base, or wherever the center of this forsaken maze is, and you’re going to lead us to the Puppeteer. If you scream or run, you die. If you try to lead us astray or into a trap, you die. Make sense?” She seethed, frustrated at the guard’s seeming incompetence.