Okotan Ice Dragon MOC

So this is a MOC that I’ve had FOREVER, but time to take it apart and use the parts for other stuff. Anyway, this is a dragon, obviously, that would live in the icy mountainous region of Okoto. Essentially, it would use its black color scheme to blend in with the rocky terrain, or the caves within the mountain, not the snow itself. Why did I choose black? Because that’s the color scheme that I decided on before I came up with any real conceptual stuff. Anyway, here it is:

Overall shot

Frontal shot

You can take the ice breath out if you wish.

You can also adjust the wings

Size comparison

It’s an inquisitive creature

And that’s it. I apologize for the unprofessional photos. I’m getting materials for a new studio. Comments and criticism appreciated. :v:


Wings seem a little clunky/ aren’t proportional. The torso and legs are impressive, though.

Thanks. And you know, now that I look at them, the wings do look rather tiny. I’ll keep that in mind for future MOCs.

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your moc deserve some claps


'Preciate it. :slight_smile:

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Man I love this thing, it’s beautiful in my opinion. If I were you, I’d have kept him together.

I was about to complain about the lack of white but making it live in caves was a clever move, and as others have stated the wings are disproportionate, and the seem to be placed really far back onto the back.

Yeah, the wings are a wee bit disproportionate, but impressive.
Most impressive.

Wings look a little odd, but the rest of the MOC looks great.

@Hutere @AwesomeJoel27 @Toa_Kasai thanks guys.

I wish that id kept him together, because i could just redesign the wings.

Edited for Double Post -Prpl

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Edited Title for Canon ~ The Archon

What’s proportional for a dragon? If the laws of physics are to be observed, they’d have to be over 90% wing.


Not to mention, plenty of animals have wings but cannot fly. so either way, it could have small wings and be able to fly, or just not be able to.

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Considering it lives in mountainous areas I think it probably would fly, also remember that the thing is made of metal XD so it probably has other means to help it fly.

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Looks nice and blue

The wings look a little out of proportion, also, not too sure about the double jointed front legs, while it might look a little clunky with the total ball joint neck and all but it looks like a pretty decent big moc.

This looks amazing.

Other than the little wings, this MOC is excellent.

Amazing but, the wings are weird.

Woah! My MOC got featured! Thanks guys!