So this is a MOC that I’ve had FOREVER, but time to take it apart and use the parts for other stuff. Anyway, this is a dragon, obviously, that would live in the icy mountainous region of Okoto. Essentially, it would use its black color scheme to blend in with the rocky terrain, or the caves within the mountain, not the snow itself. Why did I choose black? Because that’s the color scheme that I decided on before I came up with any real conceptual stuff. Anyway, here it is:
I was about to complain about the lack of white but making it live in caves was a clever move, and as others have stated the wings are disproportionate, and the seem to be placed really far back onto the back.
Considering it lives in mountainous areas I think it probably would fly, also remember that the thing is made of metal XD so it probably has other means to help it fly.
The wings look a little out of proportion, also, not too sure about the double jointed front legs, while it might look a little clunky with the total ball joint neck and all but it looks like a pretty decent big moc.