I’ve considered it, but I don’t know that I really want to make resource packs a mandatory part of the map.
I might, but I’d rather stick to default.
I’ve considered it, but I don’t know that I really want to make resource packs a mandatory part of the map.
I might, but I’d rather stick to default.
So, I got the new Book, and it says the locations of the Ancient City and the Temple of Time.
Thought I’d tell you.
here is where the City of the Mask Makers bridge from the animation is located.
“High in the mountains of the Region of Jungle, at the very egde of a cliff, a magestic gateway with intricately carved details served as theentrance to a long, monumental bridge that was the primary access to the city of the Mask Makers.”
Think you got this mixed up
I totally got it backwards.
Tis fine, though also noting there is a bit of confusion about the location of places as the website lists it differently. We should probably wait for more clarity before deciding on where the locations are meant to be
The map on the website claims that the ancient city is in the water region. I’m not about to change it.
Where does it say that the temple of time is located there? Can you get me a quote?
In the beginning of the book, Bingzak is leading Nilkuu through the Jungle Region to the Temple. Also, there is a lot of stuff on the website that is different from the book. In my opinion, the book is a canon source, and that the website is not.
I’ve read the book and while I know that it’s somewhere in the jungle region, it could really be anywhere.
Well… I started the map before the book was released. Besides, if you look at the map, it looks like the jungle terrain bleeds over the mountain range into the area that the city is located. He could’ve been referring to that.(which is present in the mc map, mind you)
That, or the website is wrong. “Onya”, “Ekimo”.
Here is a quote:
Not jungle region.
That’s my point.
Besides, if you want to figure out how to rotate and transport about 12000000 blocks then be my guest.
Here’s a quote from the book:
It only says bridge. This actually makes me think now that the bridge is in the Jungle Region, and that it goes over to the Region of Water.
Of course, of course.
That would crash mcedit.
Actually, it’s on the border between the two.
If I get around to it I could make a command-based LOSS, but no promises
@Garnira Please do me!
ToaofGravity is the name!
Alright. You’re in!
Shouldn’t Kulta be in the forge, and he also gives you the MoC?
Yes, he’s spawned inside. He just managed to chase me out and knock me off the hill.
I’m afraid he doesn’t drop the MoC, however. I just don’t have any good way to implement its poorly documented powers.(which seem to affect people differently?)