Olga Zakovich - A HF Tablescrap MOC


Olga is a Strongwoman from Makuhero city and one of the strongest people in the known galaxy. While not hero herself, she can easily beat one in arm wrestling or bench pressing.
Aside her strength she is also very intelligent person who often finds liking in activities such as engineering. With these skills, Olga constructed herself a precise device, fittingly called “Cold Plasma Cutter”. Which in essence does what the name says - It cuts through almost any material. Later her invention became widely used among construction workers and rescuers alike.

So as you can see, I based this character off Russian Strongwoman stereotype in both name and her abilities. It’s once again, a quick tablescrap made by accident.

“I can cut through anything…”

“Strong as a mountain.”

“Casuals never win.”

And before you do some CC - Note the tall and bulky legs are supposed to resemble snow boots


She has a scouter
Also the name I so familiar to Olga Gurlukovich

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Observant person.

Strange, the lack of mask makes it look odd. Anyways, good MOC.

people in HF usually do not wear helmets/masks unless they are Heroes.

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Not bad, just kinda weird.

The power level is over 9000

But seriously though, for a table scrap this is nice and unique.


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The texture difference between the legs and arms though.

I tried to make it look like fur of some kind or at least different enough from rest of the body to seem like those are armoring pieces.

While not the best tablescrap I’ve seen a few of the parts combinations are really interesting to me. The Metru shoulder armor fits surprisingly well with dark blue Piraka armor on the legs. The colors are also placed quite well. I wouldn’t want or like the transparent red parts anywhere else on the moc, though the head really isn’t all that great. A transparent red mask of fire would work much better, though I understand it’s not the easiest thing to acquire. I also quite like the proportions, they aren’t really cartoonish but also not humanoid. It looks sorta like various anime’s approach at alien proportions, which is quite interesting.

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Sounds like a Mary Sue.

I suppose I would like the MOC better if it was all one style – mostly CCBS or mostly G1 parts, and if the torso was taller.

Not counting villains, of course.


Not really Marry Sue, but Special Snowflake…while Marry Sue is usually used for perfect characters, Specials Snowflake is for characters who’s creators feel the need to make the special for sake of being special.

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Don’t think I’ve heard a separation between those two terms before…

Still. I’d appreciate her a bit more if she had weaknesses in addition to special strengths.

Than you clearly haven’t done much in area of character development.

That I do not point them out does not mean she does not have them. I just made statements about things that are special about her

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Pretty good for a tablescrap.
I like the color scheme.

Looks very neat!..That said, I think it would look better with hair.

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I would have to agree. If she has all of these amazing traits, then what are her weaknesses?

But yeah, I know this is a tablescrap, but a consistent texture throughout the model could really contribute to the overall aesthetic.

Ok work, looks pretty odd IMO.

Are you serious now? Really? Really?! Of course, I’m going to make full on bio on a MOC that I threw together in 20 minutes…No I wont…this is nowhere near suitable example of me writing a character - so stop.

As for your critique…thanks, but I do not think I will do any improvements on the build as I have better MOCs to work on.

The point of view I had when I wrote is, even if your design for the character has weaknesses, the absence of mentioning them in the original post came off in such a way that made her seem one-dimensional or Mary Sue-esque. The words that come alongside the pictures are often the only bio people read, if they read it all, and this first post does nothing that makes me interested in the character.

I may be overreacting a bit, seeing as you pointed out this is a tablescrap. Keep this in mind for “real” builds, however.