So basically last year when I joined this message board I sat down and started to make a MOC by putting a bunch of my pieces together with the intention to make a self MOC, so then I made a thing. Then with some inspiration from TTV I made this abomination
I was pretty proud of it, and it became my version of Omega Tahu. But then I looked at other people MOCs and determined that this MOC was really bad.
Then this year, after being on these boards for about a year I decided to sit down, put a bunch of pieces together with the intention of making a self MOC with mostly CCBS pieces. So I put a bunch of pieces together and I made a MOC that could also pass as Omega Tahu.
I like the torso seems a little off for some reason but other the. That I really like it. And form the front it doesn’t even look like an inika build. So yeah good job
It seems inconsistent with armouring and custom torso and limbs would be an goid improvement (why inconsistent armour? It feels like you looked for silver parts and attached to places where you want armour… it has no flow)
Also, those triple-bout-double-jointed-legs-in-my-mind don’t realy work
Wow… That is all. @Atomizer2020
The Skrall shield is a great shield better than 2015 Kopaka’s at least @Scarilian
Yeah, I’m trying to fix that, but my lack of CCBS pieces is not helping.