Hi, I’m back!
I know mukuta’s 2001 design Is very popular, it’s actually something I wanted to make even before I heard about the contest, so that worked out pretty well.
I think this moc makes a really cool display model.
I designed his vortex . . . Essence Thing. So that you can use the parts. To create shadow Tahu
Thank you for your attention.
I like this alternate-model capability. Does it require disassembly of the smaller Tohunga-Makuta model?
the shadow vortex seemed really messy, until you mentioned that, and suddenly it makes sense.
All you need is his head and mask. The rest of the parts are incorporated into the vortex, and can easily be popped off and assembled into Shadow Tahu.
My idea was then you could take apart the Tohunga-Makuta form and incorporate its parts into the vortex, so there isn’t anything lying around.
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