This is my first completed revamp of an already existing set. Actually, I wouldn’t call it a revamp, more like a personalised version, as this don’t really have much in common with the original 2001 set, save for the mask and claws.
Still, I am very happy with this MOC. It looks proportional enough, has no real noticeable gaps and it is decently stable. I wanted to incorporate the trans-green as a bit of a homage to the 2001 Onua’s eye color, and expanding it to other parts of the body, much like the 2016 Toa.
My favorite part of this MOC is the neck/higher back. I like how it helps create a smooth transition from the back to the head to create the hunchback appearence that has almost always been a part of Onua. This way we don’t get the flat surface that was on top of both Onua Mata and Nuva.
We’ll see if I remake any of the other Toa Mata, I want to try and create a Toa team, but I will probably mix it up with both canonical Toa from different teams and with new characters.
Anyways, tell me what you think! Like I said, this is one of my better MOCs in a while IMO, and I also feel that I am improving at taking pictures posing the MOCs is still not my strong suite, though. I look forward to hearing what you think, appreciate all constructive feedback! Enjoy!
Also, apparently Uxar’s head fits pretty good as a butt. And Onua Master fits pretty good as armor to protect the non-canonical business.
No, the placement of these pieces is not some Illuminati message on showing my opinion on G2. I thought G2 was alright.