Here is a collection of my Rahkshi designs and profiles for Brickonicle.
Oomatu, seriously, can you stop being so much freaking better than the rest of us . These are sick designs though, and the differences between the Rahkshis’ designs are quite refreshing.
That poor little earth matoran, he lost his plant
Oomatu you are just amazing. These all look pretty cool, especially Panrahk. The only design I don’t like is Kurahk, as imo he doesn’t look mutated or animal like. At least in comparison to the others. Everything else is fantastic. Nice work.
The intent was that Kurahk would be a Yeti hybrid, so his distinct feature is using an Axel-Fig.
So is Guurahk able to move on land at all? Since these are the closest to canon forms we’ve seen so far, I wanted to see if my idea for their “elements” could still work with a design like this.
Edit - Actually, I just realized I gave Guurahk the element of Gravity, so feet wouldn’t be needed when you can float.
I thought the colours denoted him being an Air Matoran.
Looks pretty great!
The matoran is user @anon61184867 . It’s kind of an inside joke in the discord chat that he really likes plants. So to answer, it’s an air matoran.
I am just sitting here…
Wondering… when I will have the time to finally get ahead of you…
Still Amazing work.
Does anyone know if the Rahkshi are going to be the only servants of Makuta the Toa face, or are the Rahkshi only the first wave?
I don’t think anybody but the cast knows, but going on general knowledge of how both Bionicle and storytelling work, I’m gonna say Makuta’s got more tricks up his sleeve.
Look at cute terrified Loganto! :3
Inaccurate to current G3 Oc, but you know.
The art looks soo professionally drawn that it makes it hard to look like a fan project.
I’m surprised TTV didn’t start with the Bohrok.
Ahhhhh…I love seeing these things, and your art. Nice and handy having that there.
I wonder which direction the cast will go with Vohrak…
I think this will be very cool do not know what you will think but I think makuta should some point in the story call upon armys of skull warriors, troll like skull bashers, skull spiders,(and any other rahi he can get). as well as paying the dark hunters to fight for him kinda like
mercenaries. and calling upon his people(the brotherhood of makuta.) and then launching
an invasion on the island (note:when I mean the brotherhood of makuta I mean the makuta from G1.)
I am not a mod, so try using the edit function, instead of triple posting.
I think that would be an impressive scene to watch. Armies clashing. However to give a sense of the scale and threat of the army,all the villains should be introduced before the war starts. For example, the troll like skull bashers, we should have the Toa fight some, show how they deal with it. Then in the army show a dozen or hundreds of them. There are only six Toa or seven, so we have the Matoran dealing with monsters that the Toa had to fight one v one or in a group.
cool glad to see positive feedback on my ideas and I am not very skilled with the computer so I do not know how to use the edit function