Here’s a funky idea i had: What about an OOMN community Project?
There’s been 2 BoM Community Projects now, but as far as i know there hasn’t been one for the Order. We could have people build versions of all the Order members (With appearances- Revamps and without appearances). I was thinking of trying something like this, but i don’t know if people are allowed to make 2 community project things*
So, Here’s the list of members that could get mocs:
Botar’s replacement -@Hawkflight
Winged female member -@Rukah
4-armed axe wielder -@ToA_GooD_GuY
Hydraxon/Hydraxon’s replica
the 2 unnamed members who planted an explosive on Artidax -@Senit
Jerbraz (pre-invisible-ing)
Helryx -@Heyzorks oh wait that’s me
Brutaka -@ghiD
Mazeka @T4k4nuv4
Tuyet’s guard -@Lacerta
Member who was assigned to metru nui and was tortured
Member in a toa canister killed by Teridax
Mahri nui operative -@Stuubh
Member who heard of Vakama’s tales of the EPE
Member who met a dying Tahtorak
Also servants of The Order:
Mana Ko
And here’s the BS01 link so you can tell me if i missed out a member or something
Sign up by saying what Member you’d like to build.
ALSO: If you gonna join you gotta make a new moc, it can’t be one you’ve already posted here.
*this is because i tried to make a Blue and Orange community project thing but that was cringe and stupid and forget it and don’t look it up i beg of you
p.s of course i would also be running it because i like glory
p.p.s if you sign up for jerbraz and just post an empty white background i will post a picture of a very angry cartoon character in response to that