So, we know that the G1 Vahi was made by Vakama from the Disk of Time made from the six Great Disks. We also now know from G2 that the Vahi comes in to parts (the G1 and G2 versions) and that the G2 Vahi predates Okoto. So the question is, if the bottom half was made by Vakama, and the the top half predates Okoto and therefore wasn’t made by Ekimu, where did the G2 Vahi come from?
Deus ex Artahka.
Seriously, probably some Artahka like character.
I don’t know, the other two legendary masks were made by the great beings, and the Mask of Time was made from the Great Disks. Now it is true that the Great Disks were made by Artahka, but we also know that he couldn’t make more of them…
Edited Title for Clarity - BioSquire
I feel like whoever created the G2 Mask of Creation and Mask of Control also created the G2 Vahi
I always had a theory that the G1 Vahi and the G2 Vahi were once combined, and existed in their own timeline, but something happened that broke it into two halves, therefore splitting the original timeline in two. One timeline being G1, and the other being G2. But where the combined Vahi came from? IDK, maybe the Great Beings?
Except according to G1 lore, if the Mask of Time is broken, time itself would unravel. Not to mention the question of how the G1 Vahi ended up split into the Great Disks for Vakama to reassemble…
Yeah, I didn’t really think that through well. It was just something I randomly thought of
But I still think that there’s a connection between both Vahis.
There has to be, right!?!
Wasn’t it mentioned somewhere (like bs01) that if it was broken INSIDE the great spirit robot time would unravel, which could mean it could be split outside of the GSR.?
Great Beings.
'Nuff said.
Here’s a crazy idea: maybe the G2 Vahi has NO connection to the G1 Vahi. The G2 Vahi has a lower half that happens to be shaped like the G1 Vahi. This universe has a Tahu, Toa, Makuta, etc. that have no connection to G1. It can have a Vahi that has no connection to G1 too.
The G2 Mask was made by some random powerful bloke. It got split in two halves at some point, and half of it wound up on Okoto at some point. It probably isn’t even older that Okoto; that’s likely just Okotoan mythology, like the “Makuta and Mata Nui were brothers” thing in G1.
I disagree. The universes are obviously connected. Maybe the G2 Vahi has traveled through an alternate time stream into Okoto.
My theory is that during the Great Beings Civil War, the GBs decided to save the planet and prevent the catastrophe, because everything has gone too far and many innocent lives were lost. The GBs and Artakha created the second half of the mask(Vahi was something like a “Plan B” in case of unforeseen consequences, making it possible to fix everything, something like a panacea), and someone had used it. Unknown, if everything went according to plan or something really bad happened. Anyway, the Vahi reboots the universe(by creating a new G2 universe, like in the Back to the Future trilogy), and the second half of the mask remains in the G2 universe, alongside the G1 Toa Nuva(they’re getting new equipment). So, there are two possible scenarios: if everything went well, and if something went wrong.
1st scenario: the universe is rebooted, so the NEW GBs began to create everything we saw, including a water planet, Okoto, Elemental Stars, etc. Unknown, if the GBs have created the Toa or not, but it’s confirmed, that the Vahi and the Toa at least are the only things from the G1.
2nd scenario: a time anomaly happens, G2 is something like a “mix” of the universe, and all the things were taken from the original universe but in different times and forms. Water planet is the Aqua Magna before the Reformation, Toa are the Toa Nuva before the 2010 events, Okoto is the Mata Nui before its destruction, etc. This scenario doesn’t imply the GBs’ intervention, and everything occurs by itself. This scenario is more logical, I think.
Thank you, Why can’t G2 not be connected?