The time had finally come. Khaita had been training for several months, taking out portions of the evil army at every given opportunity. Finally, they felt completely in control of the power of the stones, though they still became exhausted if they channeled too much power at once. Even if they hadn’t been ready, the time to strike was now. According to Khaita’s sources, the evil alliance was on their way to attack Ultra Magna, the planet of the great beings, at this very moment. Finally, Khaita could not only end the war, but also take revenge against the traitorous Tyrrahn.
Khaita’s ship came out of hyperspace, and they were immediately thrust into the throes of combat. The villain’s attack had already begun. Khaita hopped aboard the comets tail and launched, hoping the smaller vessel would allow them to board the flagship unnoticed. The plan was for the forces of Ultra Magna to hold off the armyand distract the leaders while Khaita snuck aboard the flagship and assassinated the leaders of the army. Khaita’s first target had to be Tyrrahn if they wanted any chance to kill the rest. Tyrrahn’s calculation and strategic capabilities were too much of a risk to keep alive. As Khaita approached the enemy flagship, they expected some resistance. However, none appeared, and they managed to sneak aboard with little trouble at all. This made them fear that the plan had been found out, and that they might be walking into a trap.
But even if it was a trap, Khaita’s mission had to succeed, or the entire universe would be thrown into even more chaos. Khaita decided it would be best to take a different route in than originally planned, just in case it was a trap. After landing the Comet’s Tail on the hull of the vessel, Khaita found a maintenance door, dispatching the maintenance crew on the other side in seconds. Using the computer in the maintenance hall, they found a schematic of the ship, using it to locate and travel to the launch bay to destroy any means of enemy escape. When they arrived at the launch bay, there were only two people there. One of them was Hexadrone, the weapon maker of the villain collective. The other was none other than Tyrrahn.
A picture of Hexadrone, in case you forgot what he looks like
It only now occurred to me that I should have taken pictures of Khaita fighting all the members of the collective, but I didn’t so I’m just gonna reuse photos here.
Khaita’s blood boiled with anger at the sight of Tyrrahn, and they could not contain the anger. They drew their sword and charged towards Tyrrahn, only to be stopped dead in their tracks by a burst of rounds from Hexadrone’s machine gun. The weapon was so powerful that it nearly knocked Khaita off their feet. The quickly fled behind on of the ships, only to notice they had been hit by a single bullet. Suddenly their systems began to shut down all at once and they slumped against the ship they were hiding behind, no longer able to move. Tyrrahn and Hexadrone turned the corner, Hexadrome cackling like a madman.
“It would appear that my paralysis bullets are quite effective, even against the mighty Khaita the Whirlwind” Hexadrone jeered. Khaita tried to retort, but all they could muster was a slight groan, causing hexagons to cackle again. “Finish them off Tyrrahn, I know you’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time”
“Indeed, I will enjoy this immensely” Tyrrahn said in a flat, almost robotic voice. He pulled out his jet axe and looked over Khaita as they struggled against their own body to try and defend themself. Hexadrone grinned evilly as Tyrrahn lifted the axe and activated the jet on the back. Khaita kept struggling to do anything to survive, but nothing seemed to be working. Then, Tyrrahn swung the jet axe, but instead of secapitating Khaita as they thought it would, it barely missed their face as Tyrrahn redirected the jet-propelled swing towards Hexadrone, cutting his head clean off. Hexadrone, who had never seen the attack cutting, still had that evil Grin on his face as his head clattered against the ground. Then, Tyrrahn turned back to Khaita, who watched the scene unfold in confusion. Tyrrahn crouched down to looks at Khaita eye-to-eye.
“Hey Khaita, it’s been a while” he said. Then he got to work. He pulled out a pair of tongs and removed the bullet from Khaita’s side. Then he applied a strange liquid to the hole where the bullet and been. Khaita quickly began to regain control over their body. As he worked, Tyrrahn talked to Khaita. “I’m sure you have a million questions right now, but I’ll give you the bottom line: I’ve been working as a spy in the villain collective. I’ve been on your side the whole time. I hope you can forgive me for the deceit, but for now, we have some villains to assassinate.” Truthfully, Khaita was still mistrusting of Tyrrahn, and angry at him for a lot more than before. But, there was also a sense of relief filling them, and all they wanted to do was hug Tyrrahn. Remember what happened last time you felt this way Khaita reminded themself.
Once Khaita regained most of their functioning, the stood up and said “very well then, let’s get this done, then I can never talk to you again.” Khaita’s anger and bitterness came through once again, and though it hurt them to say such a terrible thing, it would be harder to fall for Tyrrahn again than to push him away. Tyrrahn looked crestfallen for a moment, but quickly regained his composure. I’m not sure what else I should’ve expected he thought. Then together, in silence, they traveled towards the bridge, where the rest of the villain collective was likely overseeing the battle from.
As Khaita led the way, making sure to avoid or quickly dispatch various patrol groups, Tyrrahn filled Khaita in on all that he had learned about the members of the villain collective. He told Khaita about their powers and abilities, their strengths, and most importantly, their weaknesses. Khaita said nothing, communicating through hand signals and head nods. Finally, in the engine control room, they found their second target: Briselda the space pirate. She was commanding several mechanic teams to do various tasks around the ship from a platform in the center of the room.
Tyrrahn entered the room, making no effort to hide as he was still considered an ally. Khaita, on the other hand, snuck in using their control of the elements to crawl under the boardwalks. Tyrrahn and Briselda began talking about various functions of the ship as Tyrrahn and Khaita got closer. As soon as Briselda was distracted, Khaita swung up from below the boardwalk and charged. Somehow, Briselda seemed ready for this and assumed a combat pose, ready to for a blast of plasma at Khaita. What she wasn’t expecting, however, was for Tyrrahn to Draw his axe as quickly as she had readied her blaster and chop her tail clean off, causing her to miss her shot at Khaita. Khaita and Tyrrahn then fought her on two fronts, Khaita from the front and Tyrrahn from the back, defeating her without taking any serious injuries. Even so, it did not go nearly as smoothly as they expected, barely dodging many of her plasma blasts. Briselda’s broken face lifted to spit one final word: “traitor!”
Her eyes blazed at Tyrrahn, who crouched down to her, stared her dead in the eyes and said “this is the end for you.” Then the lights faded from her eyes, and Briselda the dread space pirate died.
“And yet,” Khaita said thoughtfully. “This is only the beginning”