I’ll just mention that, yes, the name is a pun based on Armorvor and Oro, Spanish for gold.
I made a topic for my previous customs a while back, and haven’t made many new ones since, so I figured I’d try it again.
I know not a lot of people here know what Glyos is, I just wanted to share a paint custom I did 
Constructive criticism is welcome, in case you have any.
That gold is some primo stuff fam.
This is really cool! Also, is it just me, or does the thing on his back look like the hero factory shield piece from hero factory 2.0?
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Now that you point it out…
This is very awesome.
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I don’t know what that thing is but it looks really good
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It’s a line of PVC figures I collect, and I had an extra clear one laying around that I wanted to paint 
i love glyos, any chance you watch tj omegas glyos recaps?
I do watch TJ Omega, but I only watch his transformers videos, as I know nothing about anything else he reviews.
that used to be how i was, and the he got me going down the slippery slope known as kamen rider
I tried Kamen Rider once, but it was before I knew about streaming, so I watched it on YouTube and had no idea what was going on.
Yeah, his videos are how I learned of it to begin with.
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Heheh same. He also got me into kamen rider and made me spend all my money on rider collectibles XD
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The coolest thing I remember about what I have seen about Kamen Rider was the belt with the coins and the candroids.