Overlord v2 (My Secondary Self-MOC)

Because the last one was a scrub…I made a updated version of the MOC.

If somebody wonders why the upper arms are so gappy, they are inspired by The Transformers Movie version of the Fallen, while the lower ones are inspired by movie Megatron. BTW: The tank treads are supposed to be a kind of like skirt/ clothing.


Some Action Pose…wow…such action, amirite?

For comparison, here is a Protector/Matoran-sized guy.

NOTE: In your criticism and/or praise - do not mention the elongated legs, Rahkshi head and the really complicated and messy texturing…those are features that I personally wanted the MOC to have. Anyhow, now you Bonkles nerds can rate this kappa.


Seriously this looks freaking fantastic dude.
the only thing I can complain about is the hands, both of them look a little weird to me.
Keep up the great work :slight_smile:

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Thank you. I usually don’t make custom hands…this was my first time. The other one…eh, I guess the Piraka leg-piece is not what it used to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Okay cool
If you want I could try making some custom hand designs that you could try, I could post them in the How-to moc tutorial topic?

Nope, thank you really much…but I will rather practice myself and perhaps make some better hands in the future. Really thanks for the offer doe.

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That’s okay dude, can’t wait to see your next MOC

whoa someone went to leg day


Not bad, I love the torso.

That looks like
Really cool.

Except for the gappy arms, you have yourself a good MOC! :smiley:
How posable is it?

Asymmetry. A plus. Build. A plus. Color scheme. It absorbed onua.

I really like it.
But i feel the small arm is it small

But the best part about this is the little red guy such an amazing build
/s probably

That is a NICE MOC! It’s big and solid, with a great color scheme, using readily available parts (that’s a good thing), and a Stud-Shooter in the giant custom torso frame. Speaking of the torso frame, the custom torso is really nice, accomplishing to have a Stud-Shooter, while still having a solid and filled out build.

The arms are a little strange, but other than that it looks great!

Great work!

As others have mentioned, it has some gabs in the arms and such, but other than that, it looks quite solid!

(I’ve always had a soft spot for digitigrade legs as well…)

The black and purple color scheme really works now that you added more purple in the perfect places. And those gams… for him, leg day is every day.
Also, I like the differences in the arms, but they are kinda skinny. Overall, it;s still pretty cool.


In all seriousness, this MoC is great.

I guess you could call them double arms…they are loosely inspired by this

As for your question, the arms have almost no problem posing while the legs might get tricky at times. He is able to stand on one leg but it is really hard to pose him that way. Thanks for your opinion.

Thanks, yet again, lower arms inspired by this:

Thanks :slight_smile:

Really thanks…but it is not that good…there are way better MOCs on the board that deserve to be shown.


I’m Sorry, the Transformers Fan in me expected a double Godmaster.

This is cool though.


:stuck_out_tongue: <that’s the curse>

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