Overwatch: Zenyatta

I like this better than the actual thing.


I… I… I… think I’m in love…

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No circles on forhead


With eyes that thin no wonder he needs to pass into the iris…

I was going to make a Zenyatta moc, but it would suck. This is much better.

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This is amazing. Loads of greebles, but I can’t complain, they look great here.

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My god this is awesome

insert Zenyatta quote here/10

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Very impressive, Alieraah. Spot on in my opinion.

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Now having played the game i can say that this is a epic recreation of zenyatta. I can would ask you too make a functional bastion but i’ve already done it(i’ll post sometime soon) .Also am i allowed to self promote , because i feel kinda bad now that ive done it. Atleast my bastion looks like crap compared to this :slight_smile: good job on the moc

I absolutely love this MoC! If it were a set, I would definitely buy it!

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Simply amazing :open_mouth:

Would love to see you make more Overwatch MOCs in the future!

Looks cool. If you do more overwatch Mocs, you should do Genji next.

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Genji would be insanely hard - I think D.va’s Mech would be easier.

Or Reinhardt could work too.