Pacific Rim is a fantastic Kaiju/Mecha Tokusatsu film, directed by Guillermo del Toro, The plot revolves around a different earth, where humanity suffers from constant Kaiju attacks, originating from a dimensional rift. Humanity fights back using huge mechs, called Jaegers. Eventually, the Kaiju become more powerful and turn the tide of Earth’s struggle, resulting in financial cuts to the Jaeger program, crippling it. Worldwide, the film grossed over $400 Million, with a sequel confirmed for April 2017.
Loved this film. I can’t really go into much detail as I kinda explained why I like this movie in the “Favorite Sci Fi Movies” topic, though I’m still a fan.
Pacific Rim was awesome. It might lack a bit in substance, as some critics suggest, but the fights were awesome. Bashing boats and chain swords and undeniably awesome.
It was alright - though the action and music got a bit repetitive. They need to change-up the locations of the battles, introduce more music and generally have a better plotline as the characters were bland and uninteresting.
Rotten Tomatoes Review:
“It may sport more style than substance, but Pacific Rim is a solid modern creature feature bolstered by fantastical imagery and an irresistible sense of fun.”
I thought the battles were great. Remember when they hit things? Best part.