Pakron, the iron scorpio

This is Pakron a scorpion rahi who was turned into a big iron human-like monster.
I used a hero factory 2010 foot to make his me, it looks like there are 2 monster eyes and 2 sharp theeth. Tell me if you like him or not and what are some problems to be fixed.


This is actually a pretty good moc! Yes, I see the monster face in that foor. It is interesting, although the images are kinda hard to watch. Plus, the hands kinds look awkward. I would like to see some more diversity in it’s color scheme.
Other than this, it is very good!

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Hey, I looked in your profile,are you from Romania??

Edited For Double Post - BioKnight

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Uhm… Uhm… Yes. Why?

I am from Romania too!!!

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The torso looks a bit… ahem female. Otherwise it looks pretty good.

Yes, at the begining i wanted to make some sort of Roodaka, but I decided to make him male

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Ah. I would’ve changed those armor pieces.