Permian Battle

The Gorgonopsid

The Scutosaurus

I’ve depicted the a classic predator vs prey scenario with two classic Permian creatures. The predator in question, some sort a of Gorgonopsid. The Prey a Scutosaurus. The trees are ripped straight out of pirates of barracuda bay. Its a bit based off “Walking With Monsters” The shore line I got the inspiration from the gift with purchase elf and reindeer set for Christmas. The stands I based of the stand in the green hill zone set, same with the boarder surrounding the diorama. If I were to make this in the real world id make the Scutosaurus legs actually touch the ground. The creatures were made using the mixle joint system.


Mmmm, primordial creatures, and they’re non-Dinosaur creatures to so that’s a point in your favor. Not that I dislike Dinosaurs, far from it I just think it’s neat to see some pre-Dinosaur era creatures being made.


neat. This looks pretty good!

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I’ve been making prehistoric creatures as my main mocs for a while. Oddly enough only 1 dinosaur Might post another diorama tomorrow.


Not know what there’s builds are based off but nevertheless these are still very good creature build

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Good and kinda weird creatures here!

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