Plurago: Toa of Earth | Self-MOC (W.I.P)

I was thinking that, but I kind of went back on it. I guess I wanted him to be a bit of an outlier. :wink:


Thank you good man! :smile:

The torso and arms are pretty great, and I love the color scheme. My only problem is with the lower legs, as they just seem a bit…weird…

Overall, 8/10. :smiley:


a fine and nice moc!

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@Clone_01354_Productions Thank you!

What kind of weird? Is it good, is it bad?


Well, the Bohrok eyes make it look like he’s wearing bell-bottom jeans. That’s all. :wink:

I see. I inserted those in to indicate where his enhanced speed addon is, but I agree with you that it looks strange. Build>Story, am I right?

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this is a very, awkward, moc.

I’m not really a fan, but I can’t really describe exactly what I don’t like.

Based off of the opinion of others, you might see issue with:
-The Feet (I somewhat fixed that)
-The Bohrok eyes on the calves and hips

If that is not it, I don’t know what it is.

Thank you, anyways. :blush:

##update Numero Dos

So, @Clone_01354_Productions, If I flip it to the front, does it look a little bit better?


It actually does look a lot better. No real complaints, now. :smiley:

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Oh, I got the mask names mixed up. I meant to say the Akaku doesn’t seem fitting. Or if I just spelled it wrong, I’m talking about the mask.

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This is pretty good! he’s thin, but I like it :smile:

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I look at my first Moc that uses Bionicle pieces that is my self Moc, it has a silver original Kanohi, is all shades of grey and silver and has trans lime green accents.

Although the two Mocs are very different design wise, I can Relate to Plurago, therefore I really like your Moc. You get my Owl of Approval (should make a photo for that). Keep up the good work!


It’s a good moc but those hands on his chests are a bit off.

yeah… shoulders are too narrow, and his chest looks kinda weird. You could try using that piece you used as back coverage as a chestpiece.

Yah, I like my MOCs Skinny for some reason. Thanks! :smile:

Thank you! :smiley:

I kinda like his breast hands. :cry: I’ll see what I can do. Thanks! :blush:

The back piece is a bit too bulky for little old Plurago here. Maybe the new Protector Chestpieces? Thank you, nonetheless. :wink:

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Great! I will put up my self moc soon, feedback would be appreciated! I am very happy with it. :smile:

#Update Numero Tres:

Just for @Sciencegiraffe, here are a few more masks on Plurago:


I liked the first torso alot more thought


I kind of do to, but it seems like a few members don’t like it…

I think the new one looks too bland…