Plural, Toa of Earth (V3)

Thanks! :smile:

I’ve got a theme?

That’s cool.


Awesome intro shot! :smiley: Solid colour scheme (though the Akaku clashes a bit). Overall it’s a pretty solid MOC. The forearms do feel a tad thin (though it’s a great design). However, the biggest improvement would be with the photos. Your LEGO city looks awesome, but it’s kinda distracting. I say it often, but a simple uniform backdrop like a bed sheet is the best way to go. It’ll make appreciating your MOC so much easier!

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Yeah. That’s the biggest issue with the use of an older silver piece. :confused:

Thanks. :smile:

I thought the same thing, but I wanted to keep something that would be similar to the original version. I’ll probably scrap them with his next incarnation.

I feel the same way about it, but I just don’t have a proper set-up yet. I’m hoping to fix that in the near future.

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No, I like em! I think the problem is the hands, which can be fixed by replacing them with CCBS hands if you think they’ll fit.

Looking forward to it!

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Maybe. I’ll try it out.

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this is great, nice job plural

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Thank you :grinning:

On a scale from one to terribad I give it a Q. :wink:

Seriously though, looks good.

Can someone explain the Kapura'd thing to me, I'm still relatively new...

essentially it means “I got beat.”

Like if someone told a joke you were going to say you would have been Kapura’d by that person.


Ok, thanks.

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Thanks! :smile:


Clean and concise, I like him!

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Why thank you. :grinning:

1000 mixel eyes / 10

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did you brick link those?

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Nah. I went to my LEGO Store and bought a Pick-a-Brick Cup.

I wish my country had LEGO stores I would make a wall out of those eyes xD

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So you admit it then?


Looks pretty neat! I think he needs longer legs and better limbs in general though.

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