Plural, Toa of Earth (V3)

Yeah, sure. I’ll give ya that.

I dunno. I kinda like the CCBS Limbs. Thanks, though. :smile:

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Oooh. I like the consistent flow of black and silver! My only gripe is the legs. Can you do me a solid and add some technic details to the lower and upper legs?

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Thanks! :smile:

I’ve never really done custom legs, but I’ll see what I can do.

I wish ya the best of luck!

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I still do find the choice of being a Toa of Earth peculiar. I always imagined you as a Toa of Ice myself.


This conversation again!

Where does this come from?

High fives.


So many eyes!


review of plural’s self-moc
-no mixel eyes
-no mixel eyes

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Cuz I’m cool ? :sunglasses:

That’s one heck of a trophy. :smile:



Lol no. Because you act like them.

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  • Bad

0 voters


So I’m edgy and I brute all the time?

You’re not even edgy. And no Toa of Ice do NOT act like brutes.

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This is alright. I might have to test that arm design out sometime.

Also, why scorn Nick Bluetooth? He’s just your average Marty McSkywalker, forced into having the Jedi power of changing his limbs!

(But yeah, still good.)


Thanks! :smile:

Because his Robotic Arm’s gimmick knocked out my eye.

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I like the MOC its great :+1:. The MOC is very smooth and the pieces flow very well great job :laughing:

and what is this?

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He is definitely cool, the legs could have been more original like the arms and torso, and what is it with those gogely eyes :wink: . The back looks finished and quite beautiful. But overall i think for a toa of earth you could have mixed in a little more colours like
trans-purple but otherwise it is very awesome.

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Thnx, man. :smiley:

Oh. That’s Nick Bluetooth, Plural’s greatest Foe.

Thank yu :smile:

Well, the first Plural had Mixel Eyes glued onto his Akaku, so yeah.

Maybe, but I’m not sure if purple would fit Plural.

Bit late to the actual party, so here goes.

Thoughts can be summed up as much: Quality build, generic appearance. A bit skinny as well, torso especially, which is why this reminds me of Ekorak.

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A little lanky for my personal preference but a good MOC anyways!

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