PN99's Comic Preview

Hello everybody on the Boards!

So, I’m making a comic. Here’s a preview of what’s going down:

These were taken on my phone and edited a bit to look presentable, so excuse the quality.

This was also kind of impromptu because I really would like to gauge possible interest in this project as I’ve been considering the Boards as an extra hosting medium.

Comments and questions for me about this project are very welcome! If you read any of this, have a cookie! :cookie:

As always,
Comment and Discuss!


Humans an Bonkles. IN THE SAME UNIVERSE!!!11! Seriously though I like this art style. It’s really good.

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Dude, this looks awesome

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Le gasp!

Thanks, man, I’m happy to hear that!

Thank you!


This is awesome, I would totally read this. Post it on the boards.

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Thanks for the reply and the feedback, man!

I feel a lot better about posting it if even one person is interested! :laughing:

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This is actually pretty cool tbh

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i would totally totally read that

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Looks great so far! You’re particularly good at backgrounds, which I envy, as I’ve always stunk at those. Your art style is also very clean, and strikes a good balance between realism and stylization.

I’d definitely be interested in seeing more of this! Comic drawing has always been something I’ve wanted to do, but for some reason I always find myself running out of energy and inspiration when composing them.


Thanks a lot, man!

Then I will totally provide! Thank you!


Oh, really? I’ve never seen myself as good at backgrounds, although these ones did turn out pretty well, I’d agree, which surprised me! :laughing:

For me, at least with this particular scene in a forest, I felt outlining the background in simple shapes first made it easier. I focused on using them as part of the composition like I would on a poster, which works with my strengths in character art.

They are very tricky, though, but keeping at it always helps!

Thanks! I really like stylized art, especially for characters, but I do also want the art to stay a little more grounded considering the tone I’m going for, so I figured this was a good compromise between the cartoon styles I’m good at and the realism the story needs.

It also makes drawing a lot easier…

I’ve been the same way, I’ve only just now decided to take matters into my own hands, and believe me, I know how you feel.

I’ve been inspired to do something by a lot of things changing in good ways for me in my life, and it’s also an exercise for me in growing as a person for sure. It’s a process that takes a lot of time, thinking, and effort, but it’s been very fun and I’m very excited to keep sharing what comes out of this!

I’ll definitely be posting more, I’m very glad people are showing interest in this!

Thanks, everyone! The feedback is always welcome!

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