So, I have a couple of Bionicle FB groups I am in, and there was a challenge to make a 10 minute MOC in one of them. The result was this:
For 10 minutes, I think it turned out pretty good. But it wasn’t great outside of that, so I decided to revamp it a bit, into this:
He is a Po-Matoran, and inspirations were taken from Hafu. Whether or not it is Hafu, can’t decide, seeing as there is a lot of brown and it isn’t the right Ruru. So… maybe.
His tools are his trusty hammer and chisel, professionally made by the forges of New Atero. He also carries a climbing chain so that he can get to the highest reaches of his projects. He’s no Toa, but he can get the job done.
He has waist and shoulder articulation.