Po-Matoran MOC, potentially a Hafu revamp

So, I have a couple of Bionicle FB groups I am in, and there was a challenge to make a 10 minute MOC in one of them. The result was this:

For 10 minutes, I think it turned out pretty good. But it wasn’t great outside of that, so I decided to revamp it a bit, into this:

He is a Po-Matoran, and inspirations were taken from Hafu. Whether or not it is Hafu, can’t decide, seeing as there is a lot of brown and it isn’t the right Ruru. So… maybe.

His tools are his trusty hammer and chisel, professionally made by the forges of New Atero. He also carries a climbing chain so that he can get to the highest reaches of his projects. He’s no Toa, but he can get the job done.

He has waist and shoulder articulation.


At first, it seemed like a Velika revamp/pre-Karzahni form, but I guess Hafu works aswell

A bit weird.
But I like.

The second form looks evil.

Hmm. It wasn’t intended to be, but now that you mention it, it reminds me that Ahkmou had this color scheme. In fact, this is a little closer to him than Hafu, since Ahkmou had brown.

Still the wrong mask, though. Something to consider.

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