POHAKA (random moc)

This is one of my creations that i regret.
i found these pictures lately and decided to upload them for no particular reason.
the reason why i regret this moc, is just because i dont like it anymore. also i remebered with building it, that it was lanky as sh*t and that it was just random things attached to eachother, idk!

enough said, enjoy looking at this creation XD
maybe you like it?!

let me know what you think and thanks for taking the time!!


It… doesn’t really look lanky at all to me. Looks like a pretty fleshed out and competent build.


The torso is a bit too much of a triangle to me.

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I’m quite surprisingly fond of how this guy looks. Not sure why, but I think he looks cool.

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He looks pretty good to me, but the Nilkuu shorts look kind of strange. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Trans yellow shells? Instant ten outta ten

I like it quite a bit. I have some gripes, though. Like the armoring on the side of the torso looks odd and gappy, and the feet look way too big.

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@EMMSixteenA4 Wreax G2?

As for the MOC, kinda messy and I’m not a fan of the shape of the torso.


Per Arsenic, using those trans-yellow shells makes the MOC a lot more easy on the eyes. Sword is actually quite nice, reminds me somewhat of Cloud Strife’s Buster Sword. This MOC makes me lament the fact that we never got anything remotely like Kaita in G2, it has a similar feel to the G1 ones for some reason. Good work!

Luckily for runner, it’s not. Pohaka’s actually good. Maybe if the stars align someday.

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I quite like this concept. Just a hybrid of all of their sets would be cooler though.

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I pity the villager who has to inherit the protector mask when Pohaka dies :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I can’t help but notice the placement of the protector mask.