Protector sized G2 Pohatu and a G2-ish Tahnok Bohrok. I wanted to emulate the smaller scale of the 2001 sets but with G2. Ultimately, they became a mix of Bionicle, Technic, CCBS, and a bit of system.
Pohatu is a bit of a blend of his G1 and G2 sets. I tried to add elements from each, such as the hunched over posture and bulky armored feet of his Mata set but with his G2 color scheme and arm spikes. The Metru chest cover was also inspired by 0nuku’s excellent Nilkuu Revamp (over on Flickr).
I’m pretty happy with how he turned out. Simple and clean.
Tahnok mostly relies on its Bionicle pieces to make the head, but the structure is custom and based on LoganMcOwen’s brilliant REBOOT: Tahnok, Fire Burrower, so it also still has its head striking function.
No Krana but it can fit one. However, I chose to just add a sort-of brain stalk instead, since the Krana masks are not compatible with G2 heads.
It can also roll-up into a ball, which is mostly for aesthetics but it can technically roll.
I wanted to keep the builds small, simple, and for them to share a design language. Ultimately, I’m really happy with how they turned out.
Let me know what you guys think and have an excellent day.