Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon

I’m definitely getting shadow the hedgehog as my starter, its so edgi

I’m either with Rowlet or Litten. Popolio looks like an abomination

Shouldn’t this be in the Pokemon topic?

Litten is love
Litten is life

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Also this.

We’ve decided that Sun/Moon is distinct and topical enough to require its own topic. As such, please keep the majority of Sun/Moon discussion over here, rather than the Pokemon topic.


i really like litten but now that’s a popular opinion so i might have to go with Popplio


Hipster slime


I think Rowlet Is my pick since it be Adorable

Alright, I have made up my mind on what starter I want: Popplio.

And I am going to firmly disagree with anyone who says Popplio has a bad design. I say he has a pretty good design that is freaking adorable. He is a Sea Lion circus performer, how could you dislike that? Come on! But to be fair: I am a little iffy on the ears and nose, but that is not enough to deter me.

But I still think Litten is cute though. So in short my starter choices go like this: 1st is Popplio, 2nd is Litten, and 3rd is Rowlet.

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It’s mostly the ears that bother me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because Sea Lions have tiny ears, and the big ears make it look more canine.

Other than that, he’s alright.

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From the Pokemon Topic:

So I made some quick drawings of what I’d like to see these starters become. They could be interpreted as second evolutions or final, I didn’t really draw them with either in mind.





I might actually pick him as well
since I have a love for water types
but I always pick the water types

you are a Monster Danny


No offense, but that Popplio drawing does look a little graphic. If you don’t like him, then fine. But don’t you think that is a little harsh?

It’s just a joke. I intentionally didn’t draw blood to avoid it looking too graphic…

I may draw a real one later.

What if Litten just randomly pulls a Braixen and just goes bipedal on us out of nowhere


Oh god. Don’t jinx it.
TBH Polipo would look a lot better if it lacked the nose and thing around it’s neck.

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It’s not like it’s uncommon

I mean, Who would’ve expected Samurott to be Oshawott’s final form?

and I mean

trying hard as we can to put aside our mental association

Torchic was heavily implied to become a flyer

but then that never happened, and we got Blaziken instead, and everyone was happy.


I wasn’t saying it wasn’t likely, just that if there was any chance of that actually happening that would probably change my pick. Seriously, fennikin looked okay, but the evolutions… No, just no.

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It reminded me of how I thought Froakie would become sort of a bullfrog (since all the water types become bulky) but we got Greninja and everyone was happy

anyway I might buy Sun
but I am still waiting for what third Legendary we shall get
my guess it will be based on the Eclipse

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I didn’t find froakie’s line that surprising actually. I just hope none of the starters get as bad as Chestnaught and fennikin’s final form. (Forgot name RIP)