[Poll] - Should I make caricatures of individuals who associated with Bionicle or TTV channel?

Should I make a caricature of Greg Farshtey and upload it onto TTV message Boards art channel?

  • Go for it!
  • No
0 voters

Should I make a caricature of Eljay and then upload it onto TTV message Boards art channel?

  • Sure!
  • Nah
0 voters

Should I make a caricature of Christian Faber and then upload it onto TTV message Boards art channel?

  • Please do so
  • Nope
0 voters

Should I make a caricature of Messo and then upload it onto TTV message Boards art channel?

  • Yeah!
  • Absolutely Not!
0 voters

Should I make a caricature of Duckbricks and then upload it onto TTV message Boards art channel?

  • Let’s go!
  • Never
0 voters
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Yes to all of the above :smiling_imp:


If you are wondering why I ask this, it is because I have a drawing of Greg Farshtey I stored somewhere in my PC with some Bionicle pieces. I thought of uploading this as a fanart for him. That is why, I needed everyone’s consent to see if I should upload the artworks or not.


I’m wondering why some people are voting against these…


ANNOUNCEMENT! As of now the polls are closed. Thank you all for voting.

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Going back to the last post, I asked if it was okay to make a caricature of individuals who were connected to Bionicle.

That old poll ended ago, and it seems we are a go to drawing the cast. The biggest problem is who I should draw first, so I made this poll for you people to decide who you want me to draw a caricature of first. So without further ado, let’s begin.

For the caricature, who should I make a picture of first?

  • Greg Farshtey
  • Eljay
  • Christain Faber
  • Messo
  • Duckbricks
0 voters
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