Popeye the Sailor Man

“I’m strong to the finish, cause I eats me spinach.”

I thought this’d be fun to do. To the mods, if the pipe isn’t considered appropriate for the site, I apologize. I couldn’t find anything in the rules about it, so I assumed it’s fine.


Looks good!

Maybe he’s smoking spinach?


That was a thing in the cartoon. Pop-Eye had lockjaw, so he used the pipe as a funnel to get the spinach in his mouth.


This…this makes me remind how I watched this guy in my early childhood…

Really good, nothing else to say

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Thank you![quote=“meepinater, post:2, topic:47505”]
Maybe he’s smoking spinach?
Actually I have no Idea…[quote=“CarumSarene, post:3, topic:47505, full:true”]
That was a thing in the cartoon. Pop-Eye had lockjaw, so he used the pipe as a funnel to get the spinach in his mouth.
[/quote] Really? I didn’t know, that’s pretty interesting. I must’ve forgotten sbout that. [quote=“Toa_Radrix, post:4, topic:47505”]
Really good, nothing else to say

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