Poseable Metru Nui Style Matoran

I always thought that the Metru Nui style of Matoran was a good concept, but the execution was lacking a bit. Specifically, in the joints, as the arms and legs were at a fixed 90 degree angle, and the head could only move side to side. I created a new design, allowing for elbow, knee, and full neck articulation. I present to you, the new and improved Metru Nui Matoran.

The size is only slightly taller than the standard Metru Nui Matoran, though the standard figures do have always bent knees, so this may be closer to the size of a Metru Nui Matoran with straightened legs. I have rendered the notable teams of Matoran in this style.

The Metru Matoran

The Chronicler’s Company

The future Toa Inika

The Voya Nui Resistance Team

And Takua in both his usual and an Av-Matoran portrayal.

Due to glowing neon lime not existing in the program, I have substituted for glowing neon yellow. Of course, their heartlights are impossible to make in any transparent colors unless cast in resin. The orientation of the piece locks in the socket for their neck, so flipping it around to place a stud or round tile will give them some slight head wobble. The design itself is completely possible to build physically, as it uses existing pieces. The only discrepancy would be coloration, though painting parts or painting printed parts can alleviate that (I’m personally against painting real lego parts, but I’m not your parent.) I have also created matoran of every element with this style build, but I will post them in a separate post on my refined elemental color scheming that I will personally be using in my own story’s continuity.

And here are images of the 3 length vs the 4 length axle in the neck.


I like these but I think you should make the neck a bit shorter.


All in all, I think that these don’t look as good as the official metrutoran, aesthetic-wise (because of the limbs, and as Rukah said, the long necks) but maybe they could be useful in stop motion.


The necks are only that long so they can look down. Trust me, I tried to use the 3 length, it wasn’t as satisfying

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Oh, ok.

Maybe not Mata, but Metru heads will do? Because aside from those necks they are pretty cool.

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Tried it, even with a friction adder, the chin of the metru head clips into the matoran torso.