Post-G1 BIONICLE Canon Contests Discussion Topic

If you’re just referring to the original list being completed, then we would have started the second list.

If you’re referring to literally every possible Bionicle character getting an appearance, then we would just… be done.

It would be awesome if we could have moved to more story-central contests, but I can see why that would have been difficult, if not impossible.


I meant the latter since I literally meant every single character that doesn’t have their own appearance so far. The fact that we would just be literally done feels like a “now what” kind of situation. Also, don’t know what you mean by story central contests. Does that mean we get to recreate story events too?

If the contests had gone on long enough I’d imagine we’d eventually expand into stuff like Matoran!Dume or SpaceAA!Lewa. Variants of characters we know but in forms/armour we’d never actually seen in media. Maybe an art contest for the Shadow Toa or a Shadow Takanuva variant contest with multiple winners. Maybe an in-universe ‘artists interpretation’ of the GB or TK?

No, our grandchildren would die of old age


MOC, art, and short story contest centering around Reysa specifically


I’m talking about adding to the story canon, similar to the Stasis Toa Contest that gave us No One Gets Left Behind.

This could be standalone short stories, expanding on known canon events, or even continuing where the original story left off.

Of course, this is purely hypothetical, and would be basically impossible to actually do. Aside from the fact that such a contest would probably draw even more controversy than the appearance contests, there would also be a ton of logistical issues.


Why would it be impossible? What else would we need besides some entrants and a couple people to judge the quality of the stories?

There may or may not be some legal issues in canonizing new content without the approval of Greg or another lego employee.

Additionally, story contests would likely take a really long time. Contest managers would have examine each entry for accuracy to canon, and voters would need a lot of time to read all of the entries

And on top that, imagine all of the controversy and anger there’d be :woozy_face:

[Edit - sorry about the double post, my phone was being weird]


This would be the trickiest part. How do you decide who gets to judge the entries? Which select fans get that responsibility/privilege?

The fairest, least-biased option would be to leave it to public-access fan vote, as with the previous contests, but that’s even more complicated. Choosing new stories takes far, far more knowledge of Bionicle lore than selecting a character’s appearance, and it would also take a ton of time to actually read all of the entries.


Only way a judge would work is if it was Greg or something. But that would likely never happen.

(nor should it)