Well I made a couple of strength changes to my characters but that was to make them slightly more believeable and story accurate, oh and just because I can, I did this.
So it takes 12,000,000,000,001 humans to take down Diarus (oversoul) right? While this is fiction, that’s impossible irl since less than a trillion humans on earth atm.
They are theoretical numbers, it’s not like I actually know how powerful they truly are, these are just guesses based on other characters in the bionicle universe (not that they are accurate, they are just how strong I believe they are)
Okay, what do they represent? Are they the amount of weight they can carry? Is it the amount of force they can withstand? the amount of energy they can put out? a combination of the above? Or is it something else entirely?
the number 1 is next to human which you all should be able to see, well the number 12,000,000,000,000 is next Diarus (oversoul), infering that he must be 12,000,000,000,000 times stronger than a human in top peak physical condition, honestly the talk of my characters being insanely overpowered is actually becoming stupid, if anything the only characters i can class as being overpowered are all characters with numbers above 2,000,000, and thats about it (and thats inside bionicle universe) but besides that Diarus (oversoul) is the only one who is OP outside of it.
Are you trying to compare your characters to saitama? You realize the joke is that he’s so op he’s bored right? Not exactly a serious character for comparisons.
Of course I’m not, I just did that as something I thought would be funny. The point is my characters aren’t as insanely op as people say they are, so quit calling my guys “too OP” if I compared them to characters in comic books, I’d say the X squad is about as powerful as the justice league without superman, Titan my self Moc is on par with goku and vegeta, the nightmare force are about as powerful as the kae’throni from fight for endworld, the unknown species are the same level as boros and frieza, pyraxus is probably Thors level of strength and diaries is whis and vados’ father in dbs. Out of all of them diaries is the only one who is OP, none of them are saitama level, he can destroy a universe with a punch, these guys can’t even if they all fused their powers together into one single full power attack. They are not OP, they are just strong characters.
My guys are no longer OP, ive lowered them down I shish load (if you wonder why I wrote that, it is because I can’t swear on here), diarus is a God, throughout the story he is stated to literally be a god. His godly power, ridiculous potential and heritage as a makuta makes him the strongest being in the entirety of “my” story, it is likely that other people have made Mocs that are stronger than him, I am by no means trying to defend him, yes he is OP and I’m fully aware of this, but that is the point of the gods, to be above all others in existence, I will probably tenth his power in order to make him less OP but I know you guys don’t care how much I try to nerf these guys, that’s the burden of being to interested in things like dragon ball, obviously I’m gonna try and make a story similar to it (no I’m not saying I’m not taking your criticisms, I’m not the same person who wrote that stupid page on this website a few years ago, I’m just saying it’s getting kind of annoying is all) so yeah my guys are not as OP as they were before, I’ll show you later.
Diarus 1,200,000,000,000X human
Human punch~ 700kg
Diarus = mountain level
On my bionicle planet which is smaller than the moon, the sizes of towns and cities are much smaller and as such the power difference is significant beteween our world and theirs. In other words, in my story, diarus is about country level+, however in our world he is about mountain level.
I’m aware of that I just feel like if their planet is smaller, it would make sense why they are son much more OP in my story than they actually are, it’s because what they are destroying is much smaller in scale than what we would try to destroy (e.g. something that could destroy the moon in our world can destroy planets in their world) this also effects sizes between characters in their world and ours. For example, I’m 5’7 so I’m not very tall, however in their world I would be huge (my self-moc Titan is actually 5ft believe it or not). I don’t know why I’ve prolonged this conversation so much but then again I’m a flipping weirdo so yeah.