Project Mesotron (G2 Makuta)

Exaggeration can only get you really far here, friendo.

I only have one two little problems with the MOC. The ankles looks kinda thin. Personally, I’d add on some black bohrok eyes to both sides of the feet. The gold and orange crystal add-on attached to his torso looks out of place, mainly due to the orange, and there being no other orange parts on him aside from the eyes and the thruster accessory. I understand if you couldn’t get another gold and clear crystal add-on though. Everything else about this MOC is really fantastic though! I honestly love it.

There isn’t a gold and orange crystal addon. It’s gold and clear. Always has been.

He’s probably referencing the trans neon orange, not solid orange.

There isn’t any trans neon orange on the moc except on the thruster and the eyes. The piece he’s talking about is gold and clear.

Yeah, I don’t know.

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Really? I swear I can see orange… Huh. Well, then I guess my only problem is the ankles.
EDIT: I looked closer, and now I see that it’s clear. I curse my horrible, color blind and color-deficient eyes.

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It’s all coolio duderino.



Is this the black strong and flexible?

The mask? Yeah. I went and sanded it down with a grit progression of 400-1500, then painted it with Vallejo metallic black paint, and Testors enamel silver. Primed using Vallejo light-grey surface primer.

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Ahem. Update Dump!
(If the photography/editing doesn’t seem as on point as in the main post, it’s because I rushed this somewhat.)

No fancy light show this time, the battery in the light kit I used previously died and I don’t have the funds to order new ones.

To keep it short, and so you can enjoy the pictures, all the major changes are centered around the Torso.

I added a diaphragm joint!

…also redid the internals for the shoulders to make them less prone to falling apart.

There’s also some added parts to help support the diaphragm joint.

In other words, Makuta got a semi-muscular make over.

And because I just had to, I gave him a pair of hands designed for 3D printing by yours truly. (If you want a pair, PM me.)

Tiny head is tiny

Thanks to the changes made to the shoulder construction, the arms are now able to support the gun individually.

Now for some gross photoshopery


Looks pretty great! Those hands are nice too.


Would you sell the hands with 4 fingers?

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I do indeed. However I’m not posting the link here because it got removed on the last post I made with it. Check your PM’s