I made this.
I really am still baffled and impressed how you managed to do this within like, a few hours of actually getting the sets.
I’d totally love to see pics of the other color variants.
I know you’ve done earth, but I think Water and Ice especially would be cool to see.
So, did you scan them, or redesign them…?
This is some pretty cool stuff.
I downloaded the picture on the website, modelled with that as a reference, and looked at my own while modelling for the rest of the details.
Great details! What program did you make these in?
Dang you’re good!
Wow, just wow. Great work!
Dey look great.
Blender 3D
But seriously these are absolutely amazing. I can’t even imagine how much effort went into these… @_@
The first one was about five hours. The five others were literally just a matter of changing the colours.
I would not have it.
(although I do stopmotion and that can also take a while)
You should get them 3D printed, perhaps in one solid colour for the normal Matoran villager guys.
3D prints are generally done in white plastic, any other colour and you’ll have to paint or dye it
And I mean at that stage, you might as well buy them from this company that makes 3D protector masks pretty cheap, they come in packs with parts and everything. Called Lego.
This is just… I can’t even. Great job man!
You can get things 3D printed in colour on sites such as Shapeways.
They 3D print full-colour sandstone, yes. The plastic is printed in solid white and dyed, except for the full colour plastic which isn’t available for everyone. It all has a rough, grainy finish, so some amount of polishing on your own with a 3D print is basically mandatory.
My point? If you want a custom protector mask, it’s probably cheaper and more effective to get moulding silicone and recast a mask in clear resin, then paint that.