Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

What are your favorite things each of your fellow cast members have said?

Do you believe in rock and roll?

Do you know where that quote is from?

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  1. No
  2. Depends on the game, but I prefer heavy armor if it means raising my defense.
  3. It changes like all the time but right now it’s Set it Off.

…why would you eat the sun that doesn’t sounds healthy

  1. Tron Legacy
  2. Purple
  3. Yeah probably
  4. Nope. I probably wouldn’t be allowed to anyways.
  5. Nah, I just joined to show off my art.

eh, I don’t really care about him tbh

In the void.

what the h*ck is this

  1. Public speaking…yet here I am. On a podcast. Weird…
  2. To be able to live comfortably, making a living off of my comics.
  3. Yeah, but it’s just the locations that reoccur.

Yeah when I can think of something to quote. Usually old podcast episodes honestly (which my irl friends don’t understand cuz they’re scrubs).

  1. what
  2. no

I find it funny whenever anyone successfully jabs at someone else. Unless it’s me.
Also anything from this topic.


because apophis is the embodiment of chaos and just generally doesn’t make a lot of sense

also ra is the sun and he’s like the lord of order or whatever


do you like the moon?

What’s your opinion on Var’s luscious beard?


Do you like salmon?
Are you a social person?
Do you dislike pie?

how did you know?/s

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What are your opinions on Mixels?
Do you sleep on your right or left?
Do you get tired of answering pointless questions that serve no meaning?
Do you have friends IRL?
How old are you?
Do you like answering questions twice?
Should I stop now? Yes I should.


idk if “luscious” is the word i’d use to describe it but it’s ok i guess

  1. YES
  2. Only with friends, but I won’t go and talk to random people unless absolutely necessary.
  3. No way, I love pie!

I’m just cool like that.

  1. They’re cute, but they’ve never really grabs my attention.
  2. Start on my left, end up on my right.
  3. Nah, it’s fun.
  4. Yup.
  5. I was gonna insert some ridiculous math problem that you could solve to figure it out but then I realized I’m not good at math…so…I’m the same age as at least one other cast member.
  6. If you want to, but I like getting a bunch of questions at once.

This helps. Time to go find how old everyone else is.

Also question!

Do stay up late on the boards?
If so, how late on average?
Latest you’ve stayed up?

How much do you like cool colors?

What kind of pens/pencils do you use?

How’s the weather?

Do you like shorts?

Is there alot of bonkles in store?

Do you like pets?

Do you like fire?

Any sports or naw?

Indoors or outdoors?

Do you wear flip flops everywhere?
What is the average temperature where you live.
Do you on a trench coat?

  1. Did you know that the Great Pyramids were actually made by aliens? /s

  2. Do you eat out often?

  3. Have you watched the ASDF movies?

  4. Do you listen to the podcast?

I take it you don’t know much about old lego space
What’s the oldest lego set you have?
How do I git gud at drawing

A ir B?
Which cast member is the most fun to trigger/annoy

  1. I don’t stay up only because of using the boards.
  2. I just check stuff every 10 seconds.
  3. But I guess the latest I’ve checked was at like, 5am the other night.
  1. Very
  2. I don’t really use them other than for school.
  3. Not stormy enough.
  4. Not really.
  5. what
  6. Depends on the pet.
  7. Not in person, but it’s really fun to draw.
  8. Marching Band
  9. Indoors
  1. Nope, I wear purple tennis shoes. I don’t like wearing flip flops cuz I’m afraid that my toenails will get ripped off. :c
  2. 48.2 F
  3. Nah.
  1. If i had a nickle for every time I’ve heard this…
  2. Sometimes I may get something if I’m already out.
  3. what
  4. No /s
  1. Korahk
  2. Practice and tutorials
  3. C
  4. Var cuz he plays along.

Do you like (good) shrimp?
Do you have any sets from the old Vikings theme?

What is your opinion on the deep (like, really deep) sea?
Do you have a favourite cryptid or dinosaur?

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Prpl… How… How could you?!


I can’t believe I asked the same question twice… [facepalm]

  1. What is your favorite number?
  2. What is your favorite food
  3. Have you ever been to a Legoland
  4. Do you have any pets?
  5. Do you draw ever draw on paper or is most of your art digital?
  6. Do you buy system sets at all?