Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

Just like at the top?

I’m kinda reluctant for color, because last time, the color botched up the entire drawing.


  1. Idk I guess Star Wars.
  2. Razar
  3. …uuuuuuuuhhhhh it changes all the time but right now it’s Ryden from my comics. XD
  4. Would the blender even be turned on after 24 hours? I’d probably just wait it out until someone found me or try to tip the blender over.
  5. Terak
  6. well gosh golly I wonder /s
  7. Are scythes medieval weapons?
  8. Idk, try googling it.

yeah that’s my default outfit


they are more of a Farming tool

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Yesh. :stuck_out_tongue:


…I think…

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Prpl, what are your thoughts on Skull Scorpio?


If you don’t mind me asking, why were you in Egypt? You and your family from there or were you guys over there for other reasons?
You’ve mentioned (one of the podcasts I think) you lived there for a while. :slight_smile:

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Look to your Left and Right
those are you Weapons for the Zombie Apocalypse
and who would you save out of the TTV Cast
you can only take one

if you could go anywhere on Earth, where would you go?

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go?

What came first, Dragon or Egg?

Do you eat eggs?

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  • Have you played any Castlevania?
  • Mutants or Undead?
  • Will you go to Chernobyl if given the chance?

On a scale of Var to Meso, how much do you like Eljay?

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Eh, it’s not the worst thing but it’s not all that great either.

I’m Egyptian so half my family lives there. We go there annually to visit them.

Left: My mic.
Right: My moose pencil case.
Hm… :confused:
Pfft idk who I’d save. I’m so indecisive that I can’t even decide what I want for breakfast in the morning without debating for 20 minutes.

  1. Ukraine’s Tunnel of Love
  2. The kitchen.
  3. The Egg Dinosaurs existed long before dragons.
  4. Sometimes, they’re kind of gross all on their own though.
  1. Nope
  2. Mutants
  3. No way

Eh, I’m probably more on the Meso end of the scale. Eljay’s not all that bad.


This came up nicely lol


That’s really cool! What’s it like in Egypt?

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Do you watch any anime? And are you a fan of Steven universe? And if you are, are you happy that it’s back after it’s hiatus?

If 2005 is your favourite year of Bionicle then how do you feel specifically about Vakama turning evil in Web of Shadows?

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So this is just an imaginary situation, but what would you do if you didn’t pay the boss enough and now there’s at least twenty members of the mafia standing outside your house?

This is all theoretical of course, but if you could reply like right now that’d be nice.


What is your favorite joke
How often do you MOC?
What is your least favorite Ninjago character
What is your least favorite bionicle character?
What Kind of cat do you have?

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Do you like U2?
What music do you dislike?

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Really hot and dusty, plus the internet is garbage most of the time.
It’s kind of hard to generalize the entirety of Egypt though lol.

  1. YEAh I watch a lot of anime. I just finish Gurren Lagann and I’m working on Bangou Stray Dogs right now.
  2. Yup
  3. YEAH

Matau struck me more as the guy who’d turn eveil but meh.

Well considering I procrastinated two days to answer this I’m gonna assume there aren’t a bunch of mafia members outside my house.
Unless they are and they’re actually my neighbors. .__.

  1. Any sort of pun.
  2. Almost never.
  3. Any member of the Stone Army excluding Kozu.
  4. I don’t know them enough to accurately say but I’m not all that into the Piraka.
  5. Balinese
  1. Idk what that is.
  2. Country and anything that bores me.

Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?

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