Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

What is best in life?


Did you ever play an instrument, and what instrument was it?

How long will you care about this topic?

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  1. My username says dragon, but my self-moc says wyvern.
  2. I’m assuming you mean PC Master Race. Tbh I don’t really have a preference, but I only recently got into XBox and I’m not used to the controller yet. PC has always been more convenient aside from my 3DS.
  3. If Undertale and Pokemon are RPGs then yes.
  4. Not as far as I’m aware. e_e

No I’m half teal.

Yes! I love comics so much! Almost exclusively webcomics but I sometimes read manga. :purple_heart:
Not into Marvel or DC comics though so lol.

Maybe I am a 2006 myspace reply girl.


  1. Garnet or Peridot (unless fusions count then Sugilite).
  2. Gali

My mom made it for me.

  1. Chocolate with Oreo.
  2. Motivation and $100,000.
  3. I recently got into Halo so I’ve been playing that.
  4. My creative juices haven’t been pumping since November…

The Lego Movie, Marvel movies, Pixar movies Web of Shadows

A thief because the most valuable thing I own is my life, and I can’t buy a new one/ THAT’S SO DEEP OMG

My face.

I can kind of play the flute, but I haven’t practiced in months.

For as long as I get questions! ^u^


Is your hair actually dyed like your avatar suggests?

Have you ever tried animating some of your art before? If so, what software did you use?

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Have you ever made a lego transformer?

What was your favorite Hero Factory year?

How often do you plan on answering questions?

Prpl, what was your favorite Star Wars Movie? Favorite Ninjago episode? Favorite mod? Favorite Bionicle set?
Any opinions on Capt. 'Murica: Civil War?
What tips on arting/sketching would you provide?
How’d you get into Ninjago?

Round 2, @prpldragon.

  • What’s your favorite music genre?
  • Which weapon you like the most?
  • Cyberpunk, Steampunk or Sci-fi?

Yeah, though it looks more like this:

I have animated before, but nothing super fancy (just pixel stuff). I either use Photoshop’s timeline feature (sometimes Flash, but I haven’t done that in ages).

Yes actually, on LDD. Unfortunately I can’t find the file again. :confused:

I was never into HF (sorry @Mesonak) but I liked Savage Planet.

Whenever they pile up enough for me to answer in bulk.

  1. answered
  2. idk man how bout Ep8: Once Bitten Twice Shy. It’s nostalgic.
  3. Waj seems nice.
  4. answered
  5. I’m looking forward to it.
  6. Trace photos of real people, but divide stuff into shapes. Also use a pen at ~50-80% opacity and sketch in color (it’s more fun that way).
  7. I saw the 2011 dragon sets and was like “yooooo” and then I saw the Serpentine and was like “YOOOOOOOO”
  1. I’m not really sure what genre most of my music falls under but I guess atmospheric? I just listen to whatever’s dark or interesting.
  2. Scythes :heart:
  3. Cyberpunk (for the fashion).

do you watch anime ?
if you do , which one do you like the most ?

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What art style do you prefer to look at?

Any tips on how to make a human/drake hybrid? I’m not trying to make my OC full on draconic looking.

Meso know’s what’s up.

But why? It’s grand.

Anyways here’s my questions: What is your opinion on post-modern art? Abstract?

Do you think older cartoons are better or do you believe that modern cartoons are better?

I’m an aspiring artist. Do you have any tips on how to get inspired to make great pieces?

Do you have a portfolio?

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1: If you had your own show on the channel, what kind of show would it be? Total free reign on this one, Var feels nice one day or something and tells you can do any show you want.
2: What is your preferred art method? (digital, hand drawn, sculpting, etc)
3:Besides art and Bionicle, what do you like to do in your free time?
4: Pancakes or waffles? You know, the important questions.

Oh yeah for sure. Terror in Resonance will always be my favorite, but if the Tokyo Ghoul:Re manga gets an anime, I may have to reconsider.

  1. High contrast and colorful. Also realistically colored, but stylized too??
  2. Like this:
  1. Couldn’t care less tbh. It’s never interested me.
  2. I don’t think one is better than the other, but I do like more older cartoons Looney Toons, Dexter’s Lab, the original PPG, etc) than newer ones usually.
  3. Be really competitive but not like, rude about it. Compete with other artists’ talent n such.
  4. Not a professional one. The closest things I’ve got are my art Tumblr and DeviantART.
  1. Probably some sort of a monthly livestream where I doodle stuff suggested by fans and chat with other cast members.
  2. Digital for sure.
  3. I honestly don’t do anything else. My life is very boring.
  4. Chocolate chip pancakes.

What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done related to BIONICLE?

  1. What’s your favorite toy that isn’t Lego?

  2. Who was your first ever Bionicle?

  3. What was your first ever Lego set?

  • What was it like when you were approached to be a member of TTV?
  • How would you compare being in Egypt to the US?
  • Any opinions on Spyro, the iconic purple dragon?