Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

personally I don’t mind eating them, but yeah they suck

Anyway real question again

what’s yo stance on model kits, collectable figurines, and/or average toys/action figures?

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Why does Var owe you icecream?

I thought it was a frahpay?


I thought it was icecream. Oh. Either way.

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No, no. It’s probably ice-cream.


Hey Prpl, how do I make friends?


Prpl if you controlled time what would be one thing you would change?

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Mario or Luigi? I ask the imporant questions.

(This is the last one, i swear, if i continue please ban me) /s

  • If you could have any superpower, which one would it be?
  • Would you consider be half-reptilian (y’know if you’re not already)
  • Halberds or Spears?
  • France or Italy?
  • Do you speak spanish?

During the Undertale LP, two characters got ice cream, so he was like “hey we should get some too” but he hasn’t yet >:U

*Frappe and yeah he owes me that too.

The heck if I know.

I’d go back in time I join TTV sooner so I’m not the lowest rung on the superiority ladder.


I don’t actually mind all the questions.

  1. Shapeshifting
  2. Nah
  3. Halberds
  4. Italy
  5. I used to be able to speak a little bit when I still took Spanish in high school, but I can’t remember anything now…

Oh… that’s why I don’t know it.
'Cause I can’t watch it.
'Cause I’m broke.
'Cause college.
Ha ha ha… ha… ha…

Do you collect Mixels?

No, I’m pretty sure it’s frahpay.


Katana or Longsword?

  • We all know you like purple, but which shade is your favorite?
  • What’s your favorite Bionicle game? (if you have one)

What’s your favorite purple mixel?

When you guys are just hanging out not recording anything, do you refer to each other by name?

Being a relatively new podcast member, did your perspective on the cast members change during the transition of being a fan of the podcast to a cast member, if so, how did you see them in a new light?

I wanted to, but never really felt like it. I did get the Wiztastics though.


  1. #8800FF
  2. MNOG 2


Nope! Everyone goes by the same name as they do on the podcast.

everyone’s a scrub off-air

  1. Have you seen Star vs. the faces of evil (its surprisingly enjoyable) If not would you consider?
  2. opinons on the new may the 4th promo its getting tons of hate? If you got it what sets did you purchase?
  3. Favorite television series including cartoons? (mine is probably Rick and Morty, but I really enjoy Steven Universe)

Thanks in advance :wink: