Prpl's Super Ultimate AMA Extravaganza!

Magic in stories, science in real life.

This one. It’s so cute. ;u;

Buy a Halloween costume.

Exx is Exx!

Overwatch pre-order.

Modern history’s kinda meh but I absolutely love ancient history. I wish my school offered it as a class cuz I’d take it immediately.

PC. Macs are weird.


awwwww yeeeeeeeeeee

out of curiosity, any particular part of ancient history? egyptian? greek? glorious based roman? babylonian?


How good are you at MS Paint?
Are you excited for Sun/Moon?
My cat is tapping my shoulder what do I do?

Sparta or Athens?
Roman or Greek?


  • What are your thoughts on Roman Empire?
  • Middle Ages or The Renaissance?
  • If you had the chance, would you go back in time to an ancient period of history?, if yes. Which one?
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y’know there’s more to ancient history than roman and greek

which isn’t really ancient history and also is a bit of a confusing question but whatever it’s valid

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The sad part is that you’re right.

brb, burning myself in a pile of Ancient History books.

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no stop

i want that Pliny
and Tacitus
also Thucydides


I know.
But those are my favorite parts, and I wanted her opinion on that.
I’m not asking her favorite part of ancient history, just which of those two parts she likes better.

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aight fair enough

also we’re gettin a wee bit off topic here, if any of you want to continue the discussion, we have this handy topic here:

oh wow look at that smiley face


I believe this has been asked in other AMAs, so: what are your opinions on each of the TTV cast members/how you view your relationships with them?

Are you a console gamer at all?

Egyptian and Asian.
Roman and Greek are too mainstream for me.

  1. Not anymore…
  2. YES. Idk anything about what’ll be in the games but YES.
  3. Bite it.

Sparta and Greek

  1. Meh, overrated.
  2. Renasoncssiaisee even though I can’t spell it.
  3. Whichever one doesn’t want to kill me all the time.

I got an Xbox 360 last week so there’s that.

OH BOY OH BOY I’ve been waiting for this question.

Meso: His trolling is funny and he laughs at my jokes so that automatically makes him great.

Eljay: He either acts an like older brother or the most aggravating person on the planet. There is no in between.

Kahi: Most of the time he’s like, really annoying and never stops talking but if we’re in a one-on-one he’s neat. I guess.

Ven: He’s really fun to be around until his jokes are directed at me, then he’s really irritating.

Viper: She has a cat therefore she’s the best.

Takuma: Eh, he exists. We don’t really talk all that much but that might be because we both just lurk in calls and listen in instead of actually participating.

Exx: He’s so happy and fun to be around (on the off chance that he’s actually here).

Prpl: Obviously the best. Everyone’s just jealous of he awesomeness.

…oH YEAh almost forgot

Var: He owes me a Frappe and still hasn’t gotten me one yet. Why. /s
Nah Var’s like, super cool n stuff. Anyone who’s seen the Undertale LP can tell you we get along great(?).


As someone that studies law and politics, i’m disgusted!


Question that popped in my head:
You suddenly don’t have use of your hands, thus you are rendered incapable of doing art, (and now that I think of it, it seems lego as well.) :worried:
What do you do?

This sounds amazing
you should totallyremake it in hyper realistic HD quality

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Have you read The Odyssey?

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steal someone else’s hands and make them do stuff

i sparknoted it


Props to you, prpl.


Seems legit.