Hello there!
A little while ago, I was flipping through a Lego magazine and noticed something that really surprised me:
In this little excerpt from the March-April 2015 lego magazine “The Ninja need your help!” “You” are the little hand in every panel helping the Ninja to defeat Master Chen.
What was interesting to me, is that the color of the arm is purple (some people say it’s blue, so I outlined the arms that look the most purple to me).
Also, I found that, unlike the other ninja, the hand is not wearing a glove. This is when I made the connection to the purple Ninja from episode 55.
As you can see, in the episode, the purple ninja is NOT wearing a glove. However, in the new set coming out (I’m sorry if it’s hard to see) he IS.
Some more things I noticed in the magazine was that the Ninja refer to “you (the hand)” as “you” or “pal.” This may not seem like much, but then the Condrai Copter Pilot refers to “you” as “Another ally of the Ninja!..”
One may also take notice, that “you (the hand)” never uses and elemental powers, suggesting he is elementally powerless. He also only drives the Boulder Blaster, a flying vehicle, which is interesting because in the new set coming out, he is in the cockpit of a flying vehicle which can detach from the main vehicle!
Now I’m not saying that this is the purple Ninja in the magazine. What I am saying is maybe he is being foreshadowed.
Also, Lego could have picked any color, so why Purple?
If you bothered to read all that, please leave me your feedback! DO you think the purple Ninja was foreshadowed? Or do you think it was just plain coincidence?
Thank you in advance!