Pyrenth, The Fiery Warrior Dude!

Pyrenth is a very calm guy. Despite the searing hot mane of flames curling around his mask, he still maintains his calm. If he has to summon an inferno, destroying an entire city, he doesn’t shout with power, or give an evil laugh. He just just gives a look like he doesn’t really care. But deep down, Pyrenth has always longed for love.

I tried my hand at custom lego masks.


Uhh… His head is kinda neat, he just looks a little awkward to me but I can’t really think of the reason?

@Umarak I bet the reason is his back. It sticks out a lot, and the head is really off center. I just couldn’t solve it without destroying the moc. The cape solves this a bit.

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Yeah I think it is, now that I look at it again it’s actually a pretty cool moc

The textures are inconsistent, but I still find this really interesting.

I personally don’t get the whole texture thing. I get that the textures clash, but it just doesn’t bother me for some reason.

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His head’s on fire again… someone get the hose… :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty good, I really like the head.

I like the head, but the body don’t quite match.

I agree with everyone else. The head doesn’t fit that we’ll with the body.

Talk about a hot-head.