
@Jal Bwhahahahah! Trust me I’ve seen worse than that comic.
But as I stated before I didn’t design any of her bio, I never design any of my characters bios I just do small edits to them, so I just build a character, look at them and then viola! Personality, bio and backsTory pop into my head and after that I’m not able to change it becuase it works for them when I think about it, so sorry for awkwardness. Also the comic was mainly just to show off how flexible her build was (which I noticed when fiddling her) the end… Well even I don’t know where that popped up from, it just kinda popped up in my head and I had to make it so, Arggghh! It’s also kind what stabilized the idea of her relationship with Tekal… Really she’s going to be impossible to write for due to how I’m asexual and literally don’t know what flirting is or how it’s done, luckily s far everything I’ve thought up for her has just popped into my head and worked so far.

@Sepublic22 Hmmm… Yeah I guess it does, unfortunately I didn’t have better mask for it and that’s actually a bionicle star Tahu mask so it’s thinner but I found it looked better than a v.1 Tahu mask.

Edited for Double Post - Waj

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