R.I.P Lego Minifigures Online?

Brickset posted an article this morning about Funcom’s (the team behind Lego Minifigures Online) annual report which stated that the game was losing money. This means that the game will probably be :skull: when Lego’s license agreement with them ends in October

The link to the article is here:

What is your reaction to this? Did you ever play LMO?

Personally, I played the game up until it became P2P and it was an okay game. The problems I had with it, is that it kind of got repetitive and there was a glitch in the pirate area which meant I could not finish one of the boss fights


I forgot this even existed, I hardly hear any excitement from launch date.:japanese_ogre:


But its still on steam and never went on sale.

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I am not saying that LMO is :skull: yet, but it will probably be gone by the end of 2016

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The game was pretty meh. It had lots of micotransactions and no customization of your character. As soon as my birthday rolled around, I abandoned it because it overall just wasn’t very good.
I still miss LEGO Universe, and I feel it ended before its time.


Oh yeah, that was a thing I guess. It doesn’t seem like LEGO has much success with video games outside their partnership with TT. LEGO Universe only lasted a year before getting yanked, and now this one seems to be failing, which isn’t surprising, because I forgot it even existed.

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