Happy 810nicle Day !
For this special day, I decided to provide my interpretation of all the 42 Rahkshi.
Accuracy (Femrahk)
Chameleon (Jarahk)
Cyclone (Tyrahk)
Darkness (Kraarahk)
Density Control
Dodge (Iktorahk)
Elasticity (Hoorahk)
Electricity (Faurahk)
Fire Resistance (Tanrahk)
Gravity (Georahk)
Disintegration (Guurahk)
Heat Vision (Zirahk)
With Stars colors
Ice Resistance (Konrahk)
Inorganic molecular dispersion (Geirahk)
Insect Control (Entorahk)
Rage (Kurahk)
Laser Vision (Kasrahk)
Poison (Lerahk)
Lightning Chain (Fulgarahk)
Limited Invulnerability (Sirahk)
Magnetism (Farahk)
Mind Reading
Fragmentation (Panrahk)
Plant Control (Fytorahk)
Plasma (Surahk)
Power Scream (Klarahk)
Quick Healing
Rahi Control
Shapeshifting (Ovirahk)
Sleep (Somnurahk)
Sonics (Larahk)
Stasis Field
Teleportation (Darahk)
Fear (Turahk)
Vacuum (Leurahk)
Hunger (Vorahk)
Weather Control (Merahk)
Stud.io files
Custom parts links
Bionicle Rahkshi Spine pack #1 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Spine Pack #2 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Staff/Spine mini pack #1 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Staff Pack #1 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Spine Pack #3 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Staff/Spine mini pack #2 by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Bomonga's Seismic Spear/Knight's Kingdom Danju's Sword by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Lariska's dagger pack by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Lego Knights' Kingdom Shadow Knight's Sword by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Lego Knights' Kingdom Vladek's Sword Prototype by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Avalanche Spear (Alternate) by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Crystal Spear by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Bionicle Cinquedea by Scmdex - Thingiverse
And since this day is a celebration of the Bionicle community, let’s showcase talented people who have made other rahkshi stuff :
Rahkshi of Plant Control Spine by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Insect Control Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Darkness Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Bionicle Rahkshi Spine/Staff Mega Pack by Scmdex - Thingiverse
Plant Control Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Weather Control Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Sonics Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
Shadow Armor Rahkshi Parts Pack by Potato_Ice_Cream - Thingiverse
My stud.io pack: Scmdex Pack - Google Drive
I hope you will appreciate these models. Every constructive suggestion to enhance the models are welcome. You can suggest names for all the non-named Rahkshi as well.
-The magnetism, fire resistance, ice resistance, mind reading, and inorganic molecular dispersion spines are inspired by the prototype Kurahk. This prototype has the particularity to have a Kopaka nuva blade as its weapon.
Since each rahkshi spine have similarities to their respective staff, and that Lehrak spine is strangely similar to lewa nuva’s air katana, I think that at some point in their conception, the 6 original rahkshi were supposed to have toa nuva tools and a spine adapted to them. So I decided to create spine adapted for these tools.
-The vacuum Rahkshi spine is based on Lehrak staff in the same processa s previously described.
-Some staff are inspired by Russian bootlegs rahkshi
-Regarding the names
Femrahk comes from femto (10^-15)
Tyrahk: comes from typhoon
Kraarahk comes from Kraakahn
Iktorakh comes from ictos, dodge in latin
Hoorahk comes from Hooke’s law, the law of elasticity
Faurahk comes from a deformation of Vo, the suffix for lightning
Tanrahk comes from the suffix Ta plus a n to signify the resistance to this element
Georahk comes from geoid
Konrahk comes from the suffix Ko plus a n to signify the resistance to this element
Geirahk comes from the Geiger counter, a counter of atomic disintegration
Entorahk comes from Entomos, Insect in Greek
Kasrahk comes from Alfred Kastler, the scientist behind the optical pumping, main principle of the laser
Fulgarahk comes from Fulgur, thunder in Latin
Sirahk comes from Siegried, the legendary invincible hero from the nordic mythology
Fahrahk comes from Michael Faraday
Fytorahk come from Phytos, plant in Greek
Surahk comes from the suffix Su
Klarahk comes from clamare, cry in latin
Ovirahk comes from Ovid, known for “the metamorphosis”
Larahk comes from the Larsen
Darahk comes from the Davis Report, a report about teleportation
Leurahk comes from Leucippe, a Greek philosopher who conceptualized atom, and the void surrounding it
Merahk comes from meteorologia, weather in greek
Somnurahk comes from somnum, sleep in latin
Jarahk comes from the Jackson chameleon