Raina the Weapons Master

So I’ve been playing around with the idea of having a Weapons Master to act as a mentor to my selfmoc, the White Knight. Then one moment, I thought, what if I made it a girl. having never made a female moc before, I really want to know if everything looks right, and that I didn’t overdo anything.

I personally really liked how this turned out, and i would really appreciate it if you told me how you think it turned out.



I think you did very well. Looks quite nice.

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I really like it, the chain hair looks great and I’m glad you didn’t over sexualized her.


I rather like the first photo.

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Thanks guys

i especially didn’t want to do this.

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Pretty cool, I like her weapons

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While system mocs aren’t my cup of tea, this one looks quite nice

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I wish I had more of those T-shaped rods you use to connect the limbs to the body :cry:
No complaints.

Kind of looks like Shinji’s Eva.

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T-bars are miracle workers, but they aren’t that common, and only come in grey. i’ll probably buy a lot of them soon, if my parents let me.

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A nice job once again with your systems mocs

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Well it does look like a girl alright. Her shoulder armor is kewl.

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I always like when people can make figures out of bricks, so this is pretty cool

Good job man! I’m no expert in lego brick based builds, but from what i’m seeing, it’s a solid construction. As people have already said, it’s a really great job on the female part. You have not put her in an sexual positions or given her any exaggerated features. My only complaint would be her hair. This is only because a sensible sword fighter would tie up their hair as it would interferer with combat!

good job tho 8/10

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I think that it looks good, but besides the hair, (which is done quite I must say,) it doesn’t really look feminine. There is a bit of nice, subtle shaping, but it’s overshadowed by the fact that White Knight him self has a larger… chest. I get That it’s a mech, but still. Oh, also, seeing as this one doesn’t have a large chest compartment, is it not a mech? Is it a giant alien or something?
@Omega_Tahu, T-bars also come in black in mine craft spiders.

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I see what you mean, I’ve been trying to think of ways to change the White Knight’s chest, but haven’t thought of anything yet. Also, the black T-bars slipped my mine, mainly because I don’t have any

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Nice moc I think the hips need to be slightly wider but other then that it has a feminine appearance. Good job!

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It looks cool! I like it a lot!

The only thing that stands out to me is how much taller she is than WK.

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If you get some lego minecraft sets with spiders in them you get up to three t joints in blackened

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