Hello again, everyone. I just felt the need to showcase some MOCs I made for an upcoming comic that I’m working on. These are most likely the final designs for these characters (90% of them are my takes on existing characters. I didn’t do the math). I was trying to see how small I could make a MOC with a waist joint for most of them.
Starting off, we have what I like to call “The Royal Police.” From left to right, we have Axxon (The Muscle), Jaller (The Captain), and Takanuva (The Paladin). Axxon is built around an Inika Torso, with a balljointed waist. Jaller and Takanuva have custom built torsos that most of my Toa MOCs sport. I feel like I can add something to their designs, but I’m unsure right now.
Next up, we have the scholars, Nuparu and Matoro. I was torn on whether or not to make Nuparu a similar size to the others, or use this beefier build that I improvised from the waist up. Although I like their Mahri masks, I will probably replace them with the masks they had as Matoran. We have a similar case with the next MOC…
Kongu! I wanted him to have a Miru, and this is the closest I could get. I promise, he will have his Miru (And some Teal) eventually. For now, you’ll have to settle for Lewa Phantoka’s Miru.
Can’t have Bionicle without villagers, can we? On the left, we have Turaga Olariq, a senile, washed up Onu-Turaga with an inferiority complex(Did I mention he’s paranoid?). To the right of him is Dekar. Why Dekar? Because he can…
Become a bear! Or an extremely bearlike Toa. Now, let me get him away from Shockwave before we have all out war between the Toa and the Decepticons.
Much better. For the Ga-Toa, we have Hahli and her older brother, Hydrox. Why? Because I choose to defy gender rules. I wanted a male Toa of water, so I made one. Yes, he has a leash. Why he has a leash will be explained in the comic.
Here, we have Masterpiece Omega Tahu V2. I wanted him the be scale with the other Toa for this comic. Expect the other Toa Mata to join him eventually. Tahu happens to be the only Toa Mata I own, since I started collecting in '06.
Rounding out the Inika/Mahri rehashes we have Hewkii. He has hammers. Two hammers. He also uses a mainly system build because I don’t own any brown CCBS shells. Next up, we have the comic’s main big bad…
Masterpiece (Use the term loosely) William “Peggy” Furno! Using parts from each Furno set, this monstrosity is… That exactly. Shunned by his creator, Furno wanders the territories of various collections, but is shunned by even the Decepticons. Why? Because he’s a Hero Factory set. Not even Minifig Furno enjoys his company. Now, he is filled with hatred for only one being in life…
This is my Self-Moc, Toa Thest, the Prince of Flames. As the leader of the Bionicle Collection and my avatar, it is his job to ensure that each tribe (Bionicle, Transformer, Video Game Figures, Minifigs) gets along. Why does he have a bird mask? Because I like birds. Although he towers over other Toa, he still feels at home among them.
So, how do you feel about these MOCs? Feel free to provide constructive criticism, and I will soon follow.