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Nice, exactly what I wanted. Alsovthe furst part is written in a dialect from northern Italy (a broken version if it), that’s why you can’t translate it. It basically says :“you can’t understand what I’m writing. This is not italian, this is a butchered form of triestino. I don’t know why I’m writing like this when I don’t know how to even speak the dialect. Probably because, if you get google translate you still won’t be able to understand it”

And now, for the rating


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Call me an AMD because I am Ryzen up

nerd/10 /s

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i’m glad this is something that people are actually saying now

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Does Levahk-Kal play bonkles with you/10

no, he just calls me rude names

Your Name/10

Another robo-hobo I guess/10

magic pizza language/10
does he have gundam on there? that’s an important part of being a robo-hobo.

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Wasn’t the definition “likes bionicle and transformers and/or gundam and/or something else related to robots”?

If you don’t tell me your name… nothing will happen, because it’s none of my buisness. 12/11

found it

formats weird on the user card/10


Smash that like button/10

Has the motivation to write a book series/10


not happy/10

Almost robo hobo./10

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Ruining LEGO pieces/10

the term Robo Hobo, replies that anyone whois a robot bum living in streets.

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