Not that soon? awww man/10
i’ll make a private topic group thing when i can make private topic group things
Not that soon? awww man/10
i’ll make a private topic group thing when i can make private topic group things
group thing/10
ooh tell me when you finish it/10
when I finish It i will spam links on every bionicle site subreddit etc dont worry but even then it wont be finished just officially started since world builder is a collaborative thing
do you like any other lego themes?/10
yeah but those are the main two
what do you aspire to?/10
to make mocs
kyda nui/10
what kinda mocs?/10
what kinda legends?/10
i think you are in spoon land/10
the kind that would be told by two toa who used to be matoran on kyda nui to their new teammates (jaller hahli hewkii nuparu kongu)on spherus magna about the six toa kyda that came before them
zork co. is it a cult? is it a group chat? is it both?/10
also what in karzahni is spoon land?
cool legends/10
Ah, you’ll have to wait for it on LEGO world builder
spoon land sounds creepy
guy cald rukah/10
It’s the first bionicle related horror story
You obviously haven’t read the Bionicle Heroes creepypasta…or any of Ghid’s ramblings…third Bionicle horror story perhaps!
Zork Co and it’s affiliates denies all allegations of environmental damage, after all, we may or may not know what our company actually does! /10
you absolutely should check out and support his lego ideas project if you have not already. maybe share it with friends. I would but I don’t have any friends (you can tell because I use these boards)/10
Maybe coming on LEGO World Builder/10
what does AAC stand for?/10