Here is a totally different build of Raze. I based a lot of this build from a gundam model kit, and needless to say I’m very happy with the result.
Looks tasty.
This looks stunning, I’m at a loss for words to articulate how pleasing this is to the eye, the shaping is some of the best I’ve ever seen, and the color scheme manages to pop despite it being predominantly greyscale.
Exceptional work.
Pretty much my thoughts on this.
This is seriously really well done.
I really like the whole body build, but Im not just a big fan of the head which reminds me of a dog nuzzle.
holy crap this looks incredible
Great stuff as per usual!
Holy hannah this is awesome. The feet and the torso are calling out to my soul!
And this is the kinda of MOC that can make a Stormer XL chest look good.
Any MOC that can successfully combine white and black is worthy of praise, however the MOC’s build is incredible too.
This…is…AWESOME!!! This kind of build can only be achieved by some of the most skilled builders ever!
He looks amazing! Every aspect works so well. Was anyone else thinking it would be based on this?
Pretty darn awesome moc. Love the design of the abdominal area.
The whole thing looks great
That head has to be my favorite part
May I ask which gundum model kit this is based off of?
I really like the juicy lower thighs.
This moc is fairly smooth, the head gives a “vent mask” appearance and the belt work swell.
I would suggest adding abit of orange under the chest for consistency, but still utterly fire.
Ooooh I like… I like it… I like it a lot.
Your MOCs always have a very unique aestethic to them. Really smooth and nice proportions.
This is obviously one of those mocs that just do look awesome, but since many awesome things about this build were said, i’d like tp point out some things i’d recommend changing. (Some are total nitpicks, i apologize). I’m not too keen on the shaping of the torso tbh, the line seems to be a bit too straight, i dont know how hard it would be to fix that though, and it looks pretty much fine. My “biggest” issue out of all these would be the waist, it looks quite gappy. Lastly, i’d just give the eyes a dofferent color, it might be personal prefference but i think that eyes should have their own color that isn’t seen anywhere on the moc. Again, bunch of nitpicks but i think they are worth sharing.
Love the rib-type design on the torso; very smooth!
Gundam exia