Oh my gosh…
Oh my gosh…
May not be a avatar but can someone photo shop me onto the middle of this and put the words are “Master of TTV”
@BlueCel can I have one please?
Sure! Send the pic, otherwise you will get some pretty caothic and weird stuff coming from me
@Hafynx so umm, you still want it?
@BlueCel It’s a little dark, but oh well…
@Hafynx it is done
Can you draw my Kopeyku?
He’s the Ko-Matoran in my avatar, but he’s supposed to look more like this:
Just mostly white, with gray in some places, and his visor’s supposed to be blue.
Okay! This is basically what I was referring to, and you can add a bit more gold if necessary!
Or, you could simply do this MOC if you want!
Another picture (for reference)
That’s a neat MOC! I will do the MOC, seems a like a fun drawing
And since there are so many requests I will just do one big picture. If yall don’t mind of course!
Thanks! Honestly, I’ll probably use it as my profile picture anyway!
@BlueCel, it would appear that you’ve reached seven now. I would suggest updating your initial post to let people know you’re no longer taking requests at the moment.
Yup! Thanks for the headsup!
UPDATE: NO MORE REQUESTS PLEASE (unless you want to pay for em in January!
Do you guys want a sneak peak of the final painting or surprice)
@Chronicler err points for trying…I guess?
Star wars+Bionicle= perfection
I need something new and hip. Something that represents me.
it’s new
it’s hip (po)
it represents you (not in any negative connotations of course)
Yes, Thanks again. I am beginning to question if you are mortal.
Goodness gracious this is amazing work. Remind me to inquire your services after I finally get around to making a self-MOC.