Return of the Never Ending RP: Main Topic

death ramm his bike into the pirates dismounting before collison
Then fire three shots off from his pistol

“Thanks.” Marius says. He then looks to see is any more pirates were in his general vicinity. Seeing none, he asks Death. "So, is there anything you might need help with getting?’’ He sees a pirate in the distance and shoots his laser three times, one on each side of his head missing, while the third one hit his throat.

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“no help required but my names death nice to meet you”
he says with a smirk as he lights some pirates up with his pistol

“Nice to meet you to, I’m Marius, captain of the Empress.” Marius replies.

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“sounds cool, you might want to stand back.”
reply’s death pulling out his flame thrower

Marius does so, and a sound rings in his ear. cloaking device battery low, approximately ten minutes of battery next.

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Jayzor was suddenly regretting setting down in New Amsterdam.

“Iris, what did you say the chances of meeting posts here were?”

“The chances of a random stranger being a pirate were and still are 5.3%. The chances of said pirate assaulting you vary from 43.8-66.9%, depending on variables such as time of day and amount of law officials present. That makes the chances of a random stranger being a pirate and assaulting you are 3.5% at worst. According to previous data, the chances of being present while the city is attacked are incalculably low.”

“Screw statistics.” Jayzor looked out the window. He was holed up in a cafe with the staff and a few other patrons who had not been quick enough to get somewhere safer. “At least I have my swords,” he mused.

“Given your abilities, the chances of defeating a pirate without injury-”

“That’s enough statics for today, Iris.” Jayzor pulled away from the window as a pirate turns around the corner towards the cafe.

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death pulls the trigger filling the area with flame for 5 seconds then cesses watching the pirates flailing covered in flame.

“Hmm.” Marius mutters under his breath. “These pirates are flammable…” Marius starts heading for the center of town, sword drawn. “Nice meeting you, I’m off to stop more pirates.”

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JMP gave a light scoff

“And what do I get in return?”

looking around, he sighed

“Fine, but as long as I get something good”

Almost like thin air, he retrieved a shotgun from under his trenchcoat and cocked it

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“wait up I want to come, but I’m gonna need a new bike” he says looking at the mangled metal

“Don’t worry, I’ll be able to make you a new one. I’ve got a bit of scrap on my ship, and…” He tags what’s left of the bike with a tracker. “I’ll grab this to use later.” He continues on.

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“thanks man, now lets mess up some pirates.”

death this is midnight come in I’m on route to your possition

“Yeah.” Marius wanders into town and attacks two of the pirates, beheading one with his blade and kicking the other before stabbing it in the chest. Approximately 5 minutes remaining. The cloaking device states to Marius.

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the marauder comes into sight.
“I told her to stay put”
death opens fire on three pirates dispatching them before they could reach him.

this is midnight death respond

"Is that yours?’’ Marius asks him.

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“yes” death reply’s with a sigh

“Quite a nice one.” Marius states. “Why is it coming this way?”

Marius, check in, is everything alright? His crew member states through the intercom.

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“I don’t know i told her to stay put in the ship yard”

“what the h*ll Tomas I’ve been waiting for 20 minutes for you to get to the shipyard where were you?”
Nicole shouts at death.

“Thomas?” Marius inquires.
Marius, respond.
Marius presses a button on the side of his visor, sending a signal to the Empress that says he’s alright.

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