REVAMP: Skull Basher

Skull Basher is a towering brute of pure evil. Skull Grinder’s dark power courses forcefully through his bones making him the strongest of the Skull Army’s lieutenants. His mighty hook axes will smash even the toughest hero to the ground and it will require incredible teamwork, strength and courage to bring down this awesome enemy. It is no coincidence that Skull Basher is chosen to guard the gate to the Temple of Creation.


After reading the newest Bionicle novel, I got in the mood to build a skeleton… So I revamped Skull Basher with some newer parts!

Front, Pose



Pose, Wearing the Golden Mask of Earth

Skeleton, Front


Really like the design for the torso.

You going to be doing revamps with the other Skulls?


Looks pretty neat! I like the hooves given instead of the claw feet. Makes the whole bull motif really shine through. Same goes for the double-jointed legs.
I also like how the armor on the upper legs kind of looks like tufts of fur. Maybe that’s just me.

I also like the way you pulled off the shaping of the sides of the torso. Very cool.


that torso, with the seemingly actual pistons in it is really cool


Thanks for the comments guys!

My bone-bones are in use on other WIPs, so likely not. I have four spare though, so I could one more.

Thanks! I came up with that design some time ago. It was originally intended to mesh with the 2015 Gearbox, like so;





I just saw this on flickr about an hour ago, I love it.
Keep up the great work

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This is such a great revamp, I would really like to see a revamp of all the skull warriors, awesome work.

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This is pretty great!

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awesome revamp

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I think you know how I feel about these revamps…
Incase you don’t: I. Love. Them. I really like what you did with the waist and legs. He looks much more like a minotaur. Great work, as always!

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This is beautiful! I wish he was kind of bigger, and taller, because looking at him makes him seem like he’s smaller than even Onua, but my goodness that torso! And the new legs work so well! Excellence!

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One word: THIGHS
Seriously, this guy did NOT skip leg day.
Good job on this, really nice. However, I did imagine SB being a bit larger than this.


Nicely done @LoganMcOwen. Another great build added to your impressive portfolio. The body design gives him this really cool posture, like a Sartyr. Very, very cool.

And as always, you presented it with some excellent quality pics. This is the key to any decent MOC, and you nailed it.

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I absolutely love this revamp, more so that the set. The legs alone just give it an even greater Minotaur vibe.

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I have the urge to rebuild Skull Basher now. This design is amazing, mostly because I could not think of such designs to save my life.

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Baggy trousers, baggy trousers (Quote from madness song “baggy trousers”)
I like it a lot ans i would pay more for it than the original set but the feet make it look like a bull more than I think it needs to
if you do not understand check out this
Wave 2 battle

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This guy looks awesome! I’m kind of disappointed that you didn’t keep the trans orange, though. It helped him look more eye catching and made his color scheme more interesting. I would also see about putting something on those exposed axles on his axes. Aside from that though, I have nothing to complain about. The build isn’t overly complex, and is incredibly solid. I love it that you gave him a gear function, too.


What @SmeatyFlavor said
The trans neon orange on him made him feel connected to Kulta like he was holding him together, now it just looks like Kulta can see through his eyes and that’s it, as for the open axles on the axes some flat silver bohrok eyes would fix it.


Or… Trans orange Bohrok eyes!

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